Temple of love

"you fennecs are no easy customers, i can tell you" he grunted and fletched his teeth. "but i will see if i can find something to replace your little broken vial." "it is important. it holds the moonlight water.

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Penitatas: Retribution Prologue

Heather grew to resent the anthro but more accurately the twelve families that ran the new world, most of all the fletch, the ones who invented the penitatas system.


Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 39

He recognised the fletching on that arrow. it was the same fletching that had passed through his fingers on the morning his whole world had changed.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 39

He recognised the fletching on that arrow. it was the same fletching that had passed through his fingers on the morning his whole world had changed.

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He Who Flew Upon Burning wings

"fletch!" arrow chirped. "so i am going to enlist vix's help to teach you that, and if worst comes to worst she's going to teach you how to take a few hits," anthony smiled. "wait, what?" the braixen balked. "fletch?" the fire bird gulped.

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Lykos - 15 - One of Them

fletch turned slowly and met eyes with the beast, a grin crossing his lips. "you finally found me silas... come here boy." demeas called out. the four hundred pound wolf lumbered out, panting and drooling.

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Chapter one: Conflict

"why does this arrow have purple fletchings?" he thought to himself before the broad tip of the missile split his forehead between his eyes and his world snuffed out.

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Lykos 2-19 - Fracture

fletch could feel it, he could feel... them? the sensation was startling, enough that fletch yanked his hand back away from the metal.

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Black Meridian 13: Kallinger Colours

"ya put yourself out there fletch. that's more'n most'll ever do. now, i don't much like mister tellurian, but that was a gentlemanly way of him to act. i think y'should be glad to call him a friend." "ahh."

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Lykos - 18 - Uncertain Companions

Udo and fletch, however, seemed less likely to leave. "definitely," august replied with an impish grin.

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The Deciding Shot- Prologue

The goose-feathered fletching was difficult to attach at best, let alone crafting the arrow itself. an arrow as fine as this would fetch a decent price. perhaps a price good enough to find him something good to eat.

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Lykos 2-05 - Waxing Moon

They were down there, in the canyon, all together, reveling and bonding and connecting... and fletch was still left out.

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