How To Invoke

Hands clawed, you rake the totem objects out of their fussy alignment, into a dragon's hoard in the middle of your folded legs. if they're really magic, what do measurements matter? they're either truth incarnate, or they're not.

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A Mother's Comfort ( Part II)

The only thing sarafina had to worry about was tama getting fussy about no one to play with.end of part two. hope you all enjoyed it. i do plan to have the story go farther then this, but be patient, i'll update when i can.

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A Mother Knows Best

Within seconds, the fussy man-child calmed himself, quivering as the irresistible taste of his former friend coated his tongue, telling tales of a heavenly meal to come.

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Slave Girl 03

"get up, now- i won't have you getting all fussy." she bared her teeth at him, snarling as he wrenched her up from the table, "we'd better head back upstairs, hmm? wouldn't want you jumping through one of these windows."

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Chapter XV: Like I care

Aran wanted to protest and demand some chewable food, but decided against being fussy. besides, nursing from a bottle would require only minor physical effort, which was a welcome feat when every move inflicted serious pain.

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Light Falls (Prologue)

Kits were always too fussy and they came with....ugh, _mothers_. she looked down at the cup - fern tea, from the smell. she made her way to her cluttered desk.

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Adam & Frank Part IV: Gay Dads Being Gay Together

He seemed to know how to get the otter's fussy nature under control with just a glance, or a well-phrased statement. "okay, kiddo, you're all clean. does that feel better?"

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Carried Away- Part 1

They'll see my princess get all fussy if she doesn't have her pacifier. like you know you do. there were a couple of minutes that passed by without any response.

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Garchomp wants, Garchomp gets

Being aware of what might be on the line, i'm not fussy about pressing my tongue into every fold and every orifice, feeling her muscles grip down on it every so often.

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Leave Me Breathless

But i'm not fussy..." skye wasn't sure what sort of emotions were welling up in her, but she finally snapped. "oh, excuse me, lord ghirahim! well, lord ghirahim, prepare to get that \*mighty fine\* ass of yours kicked!"

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An Outing

All she could manage was a gurgling lisp and it really didn't get her fussy point across. certainly fit the character vickie wanted her to play though, but she hadn't put that together in her head just yet.

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 28

She huffed out and fixed me with a fussy look. "save the personal questions for later, alice. we are here on council business." i frowned but felt her will push with the words and nodded my head. "my apologies, my lady.

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