The Wolf Hunters - Episode 5 - Acts of War

Can you work with daryl to bring him up to speed on repairing communications systems, life support, and geothermal power plants." "aye, will do." "and second, we're going to be gone for four to six days in the _blade_.

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MegaParsec Chapter 2: The Academy of the Ziscal

Nothing was heating the pool, so my best guess was a geothermal source. the place looked really ancient as well.

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Life of a Dragon Slave 2

And since diamonds have a unusual power source, that is their electrical use and along with geothermal energy. at last the show finished with how the families love it there and how any freed slaves are welcomed to come visit that island.

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 8 : Recouping

"that's right, and the magnasystem is the underground rail and the geothermal system." i pointed at the one with the strange name, "and what's this 'etemenanki'?" "it's the tower that keeps the island safe from the lusus," mother answered.

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Value of a Stone

I sat back, knelt in the water, and let myself float away in the heat - heat provided by the deep geothermic activity of a lava flow some hundreds of meters distant. i was glad for the steaming heat, and drifted away. drifted away.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 17 Fighting Fire with Magma part 2

The gym is built right into the side of the volcano and is said to have flowing magma falls and that it supplies its own power via geothermal generators. andrew and hakuzo arrive at the gym to find the doors locked. "what's going on here?

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Chapter I: A Boy and His Crocodile

The captain loved the feeling of water flow through his hair, as he floated in a sphere of water, held up by a psychic wave generator, powered by electricity generated by tapping tidal functions and geothermal vents.

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book Two - "Atlantis"

"well if this is correct, there is a massive geothermal power plant right under our feet. it seems this species, whoever they are, are capable of collecting massive amounts of geothermal energy?" "but why?"

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Alfred Alfredo's Rainbow Playhaus - an Alfred Alfer fanfic

The machines already bored into the earth to harness geothermal energy, converting some of it into artificial light to grow food for people.

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Wiroch: Accepted Course

Walter's current project was that of a geothermal generator. a station that could turn the heat from the tempest volcanism into usable energy for the assembled.

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Seven

. ~\*~ a few decks below them, dark kat held onto the railing as he walked along the catwalk, glowering down in anger at the lake of lava which now filled the entire geothermal power room.

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