The Creed: The Grand Preamble

_15 hours earlier:_ 8:00 AM, Monday I cringed as the alarm clock went off, but nonetheless got up for my first day of work: I was now an official employee of Abstergo Industries' IT department. I'd been avoiding my landlord for the past week as I...

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Aboard The Grand Walker

Ivan smirnov, second commander and admiral of the grand walker, hurried over to vladimir and handed him a glass of water and a handkerchief. "comrade, you need to watch how much you smoke or else you'll be up for a lung augmentation..."

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Boarding The Grand Walker

"you see the grand walker? we're storming it." "fuck, i knew you were going to say that..." "they have alyx..." the two stared at each other, silence being broken only by the sound of the bandages mirror was using.

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[Sponsored] Grand Discovery

She took a deep breath and looked back to the elf, "say elsa, you could join me on this grand journey, y'know. you placed pretty high in classes." the elf identified as elsa shook her head, "no way.

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A Grand Day Out

Chapter 5:  a grand day outjuly 1, 1984 08:00 hours new forest, hampshire, england     the back of the transport van was musty and crowded, there was at least twenty five of us dogs stuffed shoulder to shoulder, sitting on the floor. 

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It's a Grand Old Race

# chapter 14: it's a grand old race my eyes cracked open, staring up at the green canopy above. the sun threw pale yellow casts of light down between the leaves. rolling to my feet, i shoved the lump beside me.

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A Grand Day Out

What a beautiful day it was! The sun had woken shortly after six o'clock that morning and had now climbed steadily higher in the heavens to illuminate the world with hardly a cloud about to obscure its golden smile. Everywhere it looked it could see...

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Serath's Grand Rampage

Like so many of his colleagues before him, Doctor Franz was the author of his own fate. All told, he was dealing with the very least of the problems that he'd created, slumped over an examination table and still dripping the plentiful seed of the...

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The Grand Wizard II

It is for this reason that the grand wizard's assistant, barring grand wizard specific duties, exerts complete control over he who holds the position of grand wizard, so that they may know that despite their power, they are by no means above any other creature

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The Grand Wizard I

Do not worry; all grand wizards have an adjustment period." it took a moment for storm to realize that the mindscape had just called him grand wizard.

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It Begins Pt.2

David looked into the air behind him which he only saw the one flying enemy. "There's only one, where's the other?" "Inside it, now go already before they disrupt my focus." Zerato commanded, David nodded and started running in the enemies direction...

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Pim Chapter Thirteen and Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen "Well?" The average sized Sitran torturer asked again, Pim was upside down now, or again. The torturer was resting his arms worn out from lashing a naked Bitch, yes hir name was Bitch not pim ... pim ... "PIM!" Pony was...

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