To Boldly Hoof It Ch 5. Getting The Gang Back Together

hamlet? hamlet? where art thou, hamlet?" a young female minotaur calf on the stage called out."juliet!" said a young male minotaur as he walked onto the stage from backstage. "you're time is up, and your parole has begun! you know what that means?"

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Book of the Bone Warrior ch1

I could feel the life of this hamlet. the natives on the far side running about their daily lives, oblivious to the changing world. their only concern the harvest.

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The Hawthorne Accord - Chapter 1

He was their only child and was loved and cherished by them and he was well liked and respected by all of the people in the hamlet of shepherd's pass.  

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Going at it like cats and dogs!

A bizarre scene was taking place in a bungalow in a small hamlet, drawing the few people's attention that lived in the 26 plus four mobile homes that was there.

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Sen Part 1

Behind theses fortifications, the the hamlet still yawned as it woke from its months long hibernation. this was the local ferret town of ammy. the town, named after its founder, was the largest in the south.

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"The Countess" Parts 3 and 4

--part 4-- the four companions arrived in a small hamlet, or what was left of it. there were only four villagers who came to confront them, all women. these women looked battered, sick, alone, and above all, tired.

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Bad End 2 - How Now Brown Cow

You can vaguely picture the hamlet where you were born and raised, but the name constantly evades your grasp. a strange pressure in your crotch catches your attention and you idly reach down to rub there, finding it a little swollen.

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Arwen's Patrol

He'd been stalking a group of human hunters for a week, making sure that they didn't stray too far from their hamlet. it was his duty to protect them from bandits and such, but he was also sworn to uphold the law.

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Surunmurhaaja tale of the wanderer chapter 1

Judging from the scents in air area is dotted with small towns and hamlets where you could easily get gear for yourself." samael grunted word 'scent' reminding him about the musky odor which he reeked ever since dragon's perverted assault just hours ago.

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"The Thin Line," Part GG

For the next while, we spoke of this and that, largely about the farmers of the hamlet, of whom he had an affectionate opinion.

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Working Title (Ch. 1.)

Cap didn't seem too worried about our little passenger-ship hamlet, in fact he happily spent a couple minutes chatting with their skipper in that language of theirs what sounds like they're clearing their throats.


[SNEAK PEEK]The Alabaster Comb

The disappearances that had been reported throughout the land seemed to converge on a sleepy hamlet of a few hundred people by the name of cedarflute.

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