The Unexamined Ass Is Not Worth Having

Daring to risk all manner of punishments, i peeked out from the corner of the handicap booth, looking in the direction of the sound.

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The Diaper Kush

"don't you have any compassion at all for the mentally handicapped?" "he's not mentally handicapped! he's as high as a kite!" "and you're sending this obviously disabled individual out to the street in his condition?

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Journey to another world pt2 ch90

'somehow he's gotten faster and is able to guess my handicaps in just a blink of an eye. what if he...he personally did that just to give me a handicap?'

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Porcelain God

"flipping kooks" the bull muttered to himself as he pushed the door open and headed for the handicapped stall, he liked to have a lot of space when he unloaded.

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GoM-Ep5-The Dream

-felix was chosen by king akira for his element (and his slight-handicapness) -last but not least brian was chosen by king artemis moonstone, for his element and to be the leader of the team. "there is no way i'm leading the team!!!"

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"BLEU" - Me'Zelf

They were also very practical, trying to make full use of their "handicaps".

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Clueless ch17: Shameful Fapsturbating / You're an ASS-MAN Harry!

Take that handicapped people (i'm just joking don't murder me plz)! i walked nonchalantly to the chamber of dark deeds, trying not to draw attention to myself as i heard a toilet flush and another fur come in from behind me.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 12

Even with his mute handicap, he sent the order for everyone to group together and form a perimeter of light. the ghost of the creature was occasionally seen near the border of the light but it failed to make any more attacks.

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Dragon's Embrace Chapter Four: Friends Or Something More?

Of course he doesn't need his fangs to cuase damage but it does handicap him to a point. i hit the floor and my power releases him as i feel several drops of blood drip from my nose and they hit the floor.


A Competition to Remember

Place your bets now, while our lovely girls choose their handicaps! no purchases are allowed before the match, so spend wisely!"

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The Most Vivid Nightmare I've Ever Had

The woman who had turned into this man was the one who ended up getting the closest, having to maneuver around and under some railing from a handicap ramp next to the sidewalk.


Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 37 of 37 - End

The cellmate was in temporary holding and he had ripped off a metal handicap handlebar from the wall and attacked aaron. aaron was sleeping. he never knew it was coming.

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