The Meaning of Lunacy

Nameless wasn't originally known for his cruelty, in fact, it wasn't until he reached breeding age that he became malicious.

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Zakcat's Ambush

The one he hungered for came into view, strolling along in the park's pathway and blissfully unaware of malicious intents.

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The Bigger Man Part 6 (Finale)

A devious, malicious sneer crossed donovan's face that would even put brandon's most malicious glares to shame. the basketball star brusquely shoved the petit teen forward as he took the tape measurer.

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A Different Kind of Negotiation

"cry all you want, it won't do anything, it's practically music to my ears," malefor explained pushing a few more inches in with a malicious grin.

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Draco Defanatus

When the flask had been emptied, the minion had skittered away and chittered maliciously to itself. the sense of relief the dragon-morph felt was near-immediate and very palpable as her dire thirst was slaked.

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The Bigger Man Part 1

Brandon couldn't help but grin maliciously as he noticed that donovan was among the guys who had his towel wrapped tightly around his waist. this was going to be all too easy.

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Devoted Tails, Chapter 2: Enter Scry...

As scry left the tiny room behind and traversed the long starway to the surface level of the ruins, the mysterious cloaked wolf turned to face his brothers, slowly breaking into a toothy, malicious grin.

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Ill Fortune

The white dragoness chuckled maliciously, squeezing hir thighs just enough to constrict hir captive's body painfully tight. "well, i don't want to rip you in half in the process, so i suppose i'll have to slick you up abit."

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Chapter 9: Return of the damned

"there is a malicious presence here so be careful." galinoth warned. he raised his storm bolter/plasma blaster arm in front of him. so if any unexpected guest tried to attack, he would blast them to pieces.

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Seth's Revenge

With a mocking bow, seth turned and walked calmly out - killing priests and worshippers of anubis, purely out of malicious spite.

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Darky and Lita

He is sitting atop a large blanket with his legs crossed at the shin, smiling, not a malicious, evil looking smile, but a genuine, happy to see you smile.


Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 2

As bryan was shaken out of unconsciousness, the first thing he opened his eyes to was a broad black face, with malicious red eyes staring at him. the young coyote yelped in alarm and was awake instantly.

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