Enduring Love Chapter One

"well i was gonna meditate tonight. why do you ask?" "you meditate?" i mentally cursed myself and my tone was defensive. "yes i do. when you go through what i do it helps to have that type of focus."

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Herd Mentality

In turn the wolvar was able to get in a solid 6 hours of peaceful meditation with only an occasional break when one of them got up to relieve themselves in the nearby forest.

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three days part 3

(december) "thank you guys" a few hours pass and i sit on the dojo alone meditating with my sword unsheathed in front of me after a while cadano and kuna appear in front of me meditating as well thoughts on the sole society go through my head. all the

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Akiyo's funtime

He had numerous stones where he could sit and meditate. behind the waterfall there was a cave where akiyo trained with another pokémon after meditating.

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The Hayashi clan and Mayumi.

Mayumi had no grasp of time during her meditation, hours and even days seeming to pass by in the blink of an eye.

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Fantasy Story Outline

- heads out to quin shun - shows quin shun his ability of flight - quin shun leads colby into the forest - begins meditation training - inspects colby's energy - in awe at the potential he has - unique energy even to him

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Blurring the lines

And then, as i sat in quiet meditation, a sudden thought occurred to me.

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Lost in the Stars

She had always wanted to float freely, naked, in zero-g, and just meditated, as all her limbs and tail floated freely, letting the radio talk her through the meditation- this was her last time to see earth, and she wanted to savour the moment.

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A Practical Guide to the Art; Part 1

He had enough practice with meditation since coming here that he could benefit from it even if it took a while. as he got closer, he heard voices inside. he softened his steps.

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The Dream

She did not lick my face this time, as i sat there in meditation. i really felt bad for her, and stopped to comfort her for a few moments. she licked me, and lay back down as i resumed my meditation.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 12 (With Friends Like These...)

"today you meditate." "meditate?" i sighed. i found it really hard to meditate, i could never clear my head. "meditate on your fight. meditate on your mistakes!" "what mistakes? i won!" "you got hit! you are injured!" "there was six of them!"

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character bio 4

, painting, drawing, and secretly writing fan fictions dislikes: negativity, war, country music, rap pet peeves: being interrupted during meditation, unnecessarily heavy breathing

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