The Search for Sethis: Part 8

What's this...extraterrestrial menace you talked about, saukaur?" "it's astha," i said. "and that menace is called trikelians.

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Thunderstruck Chapter 6

He struggled to get free, but he was pinned down, unable to move the absol placed his face next to feign's " don't worry..... this is only gonna hurt for a little bit" he said menacingly in feign's ear.

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A Midnight Dance Part 3

Soon that will to live was more menacing than the rasping chill of deaths vice like grip. he felt stronger than even the deep guttural primal growl that had assaulted the darkness before.

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 9

Nightmare's patience was slowly being eaten away by the pink menace. and selene wasn't much help either.


Day 5 Markings _ Ink

"i'm not the menace, you old fart." the fox said, his eyes shifted left and right, looking outside as he thought up how to prank him.

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An Unsatisfied Customer

I swallowed hard and i heard her laughing menacingly again. she slowly drug the blindfold back over my eyes with her paw and i saw her face fade, grinning once again with that cold stare; darker and darker until i could see nothing.

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Chapter 18: Opera

The vole squeaked menacingly--or at least as menacingly as a rodent could squeak, which was actually not menacing at all. rita didn't dignify him with a response.

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The Tournament 2

The boy threanted amy with a menacing grin.

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No shortcuts

"you are all mine" he growled, his voice low and menacing. "you are nothing but a small, weak little dragoness. you were made to serve and pleasure me."

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Speeding is Bad, Part 1

The wolf said, grinning menacingly. ren whimpered loudly, unsure of how to get himself out of this situation.

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The Iron Valve

I opened my eyes and in front of me a vixen stared with her menacing amber eyes. she had gray fur that could be seen through a glimpse of moonlight, dark as the clouds above.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 14 -A Fiery Interlude-

As if out of nowhere, at least ten airships with the dragonslayer insignia came to the rescue of the land firing their cannons at the huge, menacing dragon.

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