Giving One for the Team

The stallion's fingers grabbed at baylith's shirt, catching the bottom and dragging it up over the wolf's round musclegut and beefy pecs.

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Lucky Fan

It was hard not to be distracted. How couldn't he be? He was standing in front of the city's most popular wrestlers. The fur was a very large horse, towering at nearly seven feet and weighing much more than the shorter wolf could even imagine. The...

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Becoming Daddy's Son

Contains: unprotected anal sex in a predscape, musclegut cuddles, informed consent, slow burn species transformation, muscle growth, himbofication, sub-to-dom personality shift, oral vore within a predscape and belching up undies this was written as a reward

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Bear Cub bred

He's 38 years old, and 7' and 360 pounds of bear musclegut stud, and his jockstrap is straining to contain his huge ursine package, he walks past me to use another machine and his musky sweaty scent almost makes me swoon.

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The Trucker Bottom

He leaned back, exposing more of his musclegut form to the abashed wolf boy. "you're younger than i was expecting. you said you'd be twenty or so..." the croc driver frowned, making the wolf boy gulp. "e-er, i'm 16 - sir." he stuttered out. "16, huh?

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Sitting Room (commission for Zeus Hartline)

But, just keep in mind..." he glanced over and, behind his stylish square-frame glasses, his gaze flicked up and down the otter's lanky frame, "i'm 400 pounds of musclegut, you sure you can handle that much ass?"

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Just Enough Bakers Make the Dough Rise [by NieveLion]

But there were more, so many more...two, four, eight, ten, each as voluminous and searingly hot as the first, until he was sure that mel's belly would be bulging even if it weren't already such a large musclegut.

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Hypno Skunked and Bear Bred

Only thing i know for sure is that i went out with a big musclegut striped skunk last night who invited me to a frat party. i remember us having dinner at a nice restaurant and going to the frat party.

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In The Closet?!

"...i love big muscles and muscleguts..." damn, his fingers landed over my t-shirt-covered belly and pressed a little into the slab of muscles and other thick layers there...pressing against it...i rumbled...he didn't stop...he was touching me...

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True Love

You'll just smirk down over those massive pecs and gloriously-soft-yet-firm musclegut and crook a finger, and i'll crawl over like you've got a leash around my neck. i want it so bad, daddy.

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True to Form: Part One

He was really huge, almost bodybuilder-thick, though no one would have such a thick musclegut. he was covered in wiry brown fur.

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Stubborn Bear

He was always sitting there, drinking all those beers and smoking that fat cigar of his. No matter how many times Jonas came into the bar, he'd always see that other bear over there doing the same exact thing. And then, eventually, he'd run into this...

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