Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 3)

He peered through a long scope that sat idly on top of a ground mounted railgun set high up on the building, overlooking the whole fight as it played out. a single round was loaded and locked into place.

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Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 4)

It was the omega, a tall white leopard named seth, clutched between his paws was the missing portion of the railgun. he crumpled the hunk of metal together in his paws, with just as much effort as crushing a soda can.

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Terveta-Chapter 5: Spring (Part 2)

Mathew shrugged and pulled the last of the clip from his railgun and put it into a bag that held his other ammunition. "i can sense it, blizz. this year i'm finally going to get a mate when the clans converge for the festival," he said happily.

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Terveta-Chapter 5: Spring (Part 1)

Mathew asked as he began to load another magazine of bullets into his railgun. the blue husky shook his head and stood up, pulling his shirt down over his torso when it rode up. "i haven't. why?" he asked looking to the feline.

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Kapitel 1 - Eisige Weiten - Zerstörung

Immerhin bevorzuge diese die railguns. plasma ist einfach etwas zu instabil. "fünfzehn boogies in leichten, nicht klassifizierbaren rüstungen. ausschussware allem anschein nach", gebe ich meine beobachtung an den rest der kampfgruppe weiter.

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Ruined Earth-Escape

And muldoon's out there with that railgun of his! i say we should just cut our losses and take whatever punishment is leveed towards us and try again....geoffrey back me up!" the horse shakes his head.

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MoonDust, Chapter 24

As aaron suggested, they also checked one of the railgun turrets perched on the valley's rim. the above-ground portion was in sorry shape, armor deeply scored and access panels blown open.

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 17: Marketing Plush Companions

Shipment pcinc plush companions are usually shipped fully insured using railgun express.


The Swords that Bind- Part 4 The Quest for Knowledge

The railgun's gone on the floor, as has half the parts of the last few projects." kitty said, reluctantly and quite shyly. "i'll give you a hand with the railgun after we dock, facilier will help you after we return from our trip to the temple."

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Tumbling Down

Unlike an arrowhead though, the malediction bristles with weapon carousels, most being magnetic artillery, or in other words railguns and their counterparts.

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