Digital Piracy is Evil(not really)

Unless they were some kind of recluse ("the yellow face! it burnsss usss, precious!") who spent all their time online, they would have to turn off their system at some point.

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Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 4

Your people, onyx, were a denomination from the egyptians, more reclusive. more like my sister, the first in your ancestry. yours to, baxley." "but baxley is a fox!" onyx exclaimed. "how is he related to me? and who is first in my ancestry?!"

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 5

As such, its position between the three lands, and its unsettled nature, made it a perfect place of refuge for outcasts, outlaws, and recluses from all three countries.

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The Master of the Monastery

For so long she thought of him as a father, but she only knew a reclusive elder.

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Of Cats and Dogs: First Time

But instead, he traversed the serene charm of the night on trepid paws, silent as the recluse sitting in the back of the class every day. the scared kitten with no friends, a specter to everybody. presence felt, not seen.

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Kairos Backstory

His work performance suffered as a result and because he did not want to see his restaurant fail, he sold it off, and moved back to the upper peninsula and became a recluse.


Burdens - Chapter 77: Recovery

He seemed less reclusive than he had been in the past. it was as if he were happier. could he say that about himself? he felt that things had been different for him, as well.

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Meet the Party!

Living alone for so long has left him rather reclusive and introverted, even after being recruited. he'll converse if he must, but if left to his own devices, he'll likely stay silent. these five make up the rest of the party.

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First time at the glory hole

He was known for being extremely reclusive, preffering to stay in the apartment and play video games. if he wanted to get off, he'd much rather settle for his own hand than face the outdoors. it was a friend of his who convinced him to come here.

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The Summoning 1

The mysterious writer had said much about a reclusive dragon who made his home up in the northern extreme of the world.

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August 5: Apples, Mixers, and Photos

And don't mistake me for some reclusive moon princess. besides, amaki can't do everything himself, you know?" kounosuke joked. "hiroyuki, too much anime's not good for you. were you thinking amaki's some sort of super butler?"


O leão nu.

. - it's a recluse village, at east from the forest's great hill - says the voice. afonso pushed the bushes away from his way and saw the source of the voice: a maneless lion, completely nude.

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