Darek- oder warum sich Monster unterm Bett verstecken

Als er endlich fertig war, war das monster wund gefickt und sein rosette blutete."sag deinen freunden, wenn ich einen von euch erwische und es ist kein weibchen, dann war das was ich mit dir gemacht habe noch harmlos.

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Shades of White - Part One

They ended up comparing rosettes, analyzing each other's like scientists as they were difficult to see due to the albinoism.

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The Sphere (chapter1)

A picture of the star system, "this is called a klemperer rosette, or a ring of stars that have become a stable orbital body.

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Of Dogs and Young Men Part 20

Titan won a big purple and gold rosette for best of breed. "congratulations sir." i said, my hero worship somewhat shining through. i tried to hand off the pointer to him but he stopped me.

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Dort suchte sie sanft seine rosette. katsuo ahnte, was sie vorhatte und vertraute ihr voll und ganz.

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Lurking in the Mud - A Lost Leopard

Blushing beneath his fur dimitri hesitated, he looked down at his body, you couldn't see his fur the white was a dull grey muddy colour, with only the odd rosette visible. his tail was a sodden mess and his clothing was ruined.

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The Caligo (part two)

The Caligo (part 2) by 12 as Lukos The Caligo's teeth snapped shut around Ice's body, but several feet away, Ice was on one knee, panting as he tried to regain some of his strength. Kemper stood next to him, hiding him from the Caligo. The ice around...

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The Weather Outside is Frightful

He seemed so stark; so masculine, a body of light and the dull shadows of his rosettes, a body that drew forth her breath in increasingly urgent gasps. there was a paw, strong and insistent, unbuttoning her jeans and pushing them down.

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Akisha - Jagdzeit

, witzelte akisha etwas abfällig, worauf sie einen ernsten blick des löwen erntete, der gerade ihr glied an seiner rosette ansetzte und sich langsam, fast in zeitlupe niederließ.

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Milk and Cookies

Ren was again frozen to the sight before him, admiring the similar 8' frame of the feline, following his amber rosettes down to his abs and past them to his sheath.

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Sneppy Birthday

From the silvery coat with black rosettes to his white stomach. his rounded ears to the tip of his curled up tail.

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Kleiner Tiger Mikhal 1/6

Er hob das becken kurz an und führte seine eichel an mikhals rosette. "denk dran, einfach nur entspannen." mikhal nickte, und adrian presste seinen geschmierten penis gegen das jungfräuliche poloch seines freundes.

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