Boodins Scene

(from the Tally Road novel- canine Boodins makes amazonian feline Daucery feel like a lil' fluff) Now Boodins walked along a corridor in a whorehouse, following another Nerre who was in some ways even more intimidating. This one was named Daucery, and...

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Scene Three

scene three is complete! good job everyone! scene four begins filming tomorrow at 9 am!" the hustle and bustle was muffled through the dragon's flesh, but deej was quite proud of the performance he'd given.

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A 'Little' Scene

Chad, a young gray wolf, yawned as he sat at the convenience store desk. The low hum of the fluorescent lights was beginning to get to him. Night shift was the absolute worst. Nothing to do but sit and be bored, clean, and deal with weirdos. Just as he...

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New to the scene

\* returning with more fresh, ice-cold and refreshing bottles of mountain spring water, elsie and abel were not surprised at the scene that greeted them.

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The Shower Scene

This is a story me(playing Jake) and a friend(playing Brent) did over Windows Live Messenger, it's not perfect but a fun read. If you all like it we may continue..... This, at least for me, is my first furry/yiff story so be genital and please comment....

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The Lake Scene

"but then we miss the lake scene." she picked up a loose fold of her skirt and pulled it up out of his way. dug her teeth into her lip. "what happens at the lake scene?"

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The Bar Scene

The wolf lifted his glass to his lips and tilted his head back, gulping the contents down with only one gulp. He slammed the glass down onto the bar and growled, "Reload." The bartender sighed. "Xander, I think you've had enough." The wolf looked...

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Action Scene

The scene was powerful enough that it distracted the two, thoroughly horrified, guards long enough for me to close the distance and unsheathe my blade. i avoided touching my thumb to activate it and slashed to his side.

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Scene - In the Garden

In the Garden by Sajja It was a beautiful evening, the lizard thought, with no moon in the sky, just the twinkling of the stars overhead to provide only a hint of illumination. He had retreated to a secluded portion of his gardens, off in the corner...

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Fight Scene for details on this and upcoming story series. [Not final edit - collaboration requested] And please forgive my loopy Canadian English, it is correct in my region. Caedmon floated warily in the centre of the room....

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Scene in an Alley

scene in an alley commission for arch fox a chill wind blew down the street, ruffling the white fur of a small rabbit who moved carefully yet quickly down the road.

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A sample scene

'Closer...almost there...just a few more steps to go.' Feint refractions signal their way up a tall lace of smoke lulling in the sunlit gloom. Through a crack in the canopy, a single hungry tongue holds its breath, licking in anticipation. Though no...

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