A Pleasure Den in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Silma is a club owner in the star wars universe, and is about to meet a sith that has a different take on the dark side.

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27- Omega

"the more i look at him, the more i think he's an exception to the rule of sith characteristics. he's not like any other sith- if he didn't make his affiliations so clear, i'd go so far as to say he's _not_sith."

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Seduced By The Dark Side

- blake, the teenaged cheetah, was at the observatory room of a sith starship. on the other side of the door was the notorious darth sora. he had been chasing the sith lord for eons, and had finally pinned her down.

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17- The Third

"which means that it was a sith project, and not an official imperial remnant mission.

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Zootopia's Secret part 1

Arc troopers started to fire their carbines at super battle droids which were two times stronger than a regular battle droid, as the jedi fought with an unidentified sith jedi, charger and the three aided the jedi of fighting the sith, the arc troopers were

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34- The Path of the Sentinel

"there was no sith. no darth vader. just a few dozen dark jedi and assassin droids trying to take our lives, all for the approval of their new sith master.

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (5)

The fight had moved the sith into a corner. he was surrounded on each side by either concrete or jedi. suddenly, there was an explosion that drew everyone's attention away from the battle.

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (3)

"call me...darth plagueis, dark lord of the sith."

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