26: Peril
The other ponies found a lot of fun in torturing their unwanted visitor, but specter's return set them back into business mode almost immediately.
Carnal Combat II, Part I - Out of Exile
spectre applauded the loudest, completely engaged by the performance. not too far from spectre stood suki. the bunny was enjoying the night, savoring the second chance she had been given.
Third Arc Zero Street: Chapter 7
"spectre!" at least the other jacob was safe. spectre plucked a black and white form out of midair and zoomed away from the molten rock.
34: Hope, Part 1
specter had expected to lose his entire pay due to that mishap. as he remained on the rooftop specter noticed some movement at one of the rear doors of the star estate.
Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 2
spectre shook his head. "you never change, jacob." _..._ _maybe i do, spectre... but it's just really slow..._ spectre descended silently into the streets of angelsea, dropping jacob off in an alleyway far from the main canals.
Carnal Combat, Part V - A Game of Lust
Daichi looked shocked, turning his gaze to spectre. the skunk was smirking. "spectre? what did...?" "she says i ambushed stardust, tied her up, and fucked her.
Knocked Up On Pride
The specter's thrusts picked up in speed, bringing a tear to mighty's eyes as he had to hold on to not get tossed around.
Carnal Combat, Part VIII - Storm Front
While some of the girls talked, others came over to examine spectre and hikaro. spectre just smirked as a lioness started to rub her paws over his body, feeling him up as she took her time examining his physique.
Carnal Combat - All Those Yesterdays
spectre rolled his eyes. "i'm not, but you are. you slapped ra' chi down, remember?" "maybe, but that didn't put the house of stone on the throne. we'll just have to wait." spectre nodded.
Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Episode 4
_holy - spectre!_ in a flash of light, spectre appeared beneath him and burst out of the waters, carrying him along.
Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 3
spectre exclaimed. the spectre audience was back and they were all leaning forward in anticipation, waiting for jacob's reaction. there was even a version of spectre who was taking bets on what he would say next.
Carnal Combat, Part X - A Fate Preordained
spectre watched him, and shook his head. deep down, he felt that the strange...canine? feline? well, whatever he was, spectre felt he was telling the truth. he was an ambassador of the gods. apparently, the gods did listen and watch.