They Reign - 2

"are these standard modular structures?" the hare asked. "everything is as standard as it goes," wong said. "bass-welch manufactured drop and go modules with integrated foundations. you're pointing at the laboratory block over there.

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Planetary Warfare

The jeewol, returning from their 100,000 year forced exile focused their war effort on the extremely unprepared ancie kingdom, giving the human-led empire time to consolidate and standardize across the realm in the "new imperial standard" for manufacturing


Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse. The Setting: Ratherbigshire, UK

standard fur: 63.2% standard scale: 22.5% standard feather: 4.9% human:  

Penetration Testing (Or “Pounded in the Butt by the Lax Security Standards of the Internet-Enabled Sex Toy Industry”)

The ratings were mostly positive, at least, and the comments were your standard compliments mixed in with racial slurs - those were hidden quickly. marshall's morning classes went by uneventfully.

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Void Incursions Chapter 2: Arrival

This was the biologicals standard way of communicating with each other or anything else. it operated on a high bandwidth carrying high amounts of data every second.

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Reaper: Hades - Callum 'Cal' Reichman

_ a standard technique for modd users of the seal of finality. most of those with this forbidden seal have small capsules filled with dense ball bearings that they can use to sacrifice to the seal.

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Erotic Spells for Pathfinder

Capture image illusion (glamer) level: erotic 0 components: v, s, m casting time: 1 standard action range: unlimited; see text effect: captures seen image and transfers it to paper.

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JakeFox 3

Lots of standard humans felt their humanity was being threatened by jakefox and his fursonkind. so biosyn was their only healthcare.

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Walking and Merriment

But you should've waited until you were able to upgrade your hardware to the latest standard. attempting to use codices and standards that didn't originate on this world on older earth hardware can put quite a number on the poor machines.

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Zarvaun Understands Karma

Is it standard? cuz i'd prefer it to be." i said as i sat down, "standard is more tame." the sergal's grin was enough of an answer, and i sighed."alright, i'm ready!" jack yipped as he entered the room."we've been ready."

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