Skylands: Hypoxia and Edema

They soared above it all, seeming to take no sides, but strafing the city and its inhabitants with blasts of destructive light from their city block-wide maws.

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Darkness and Starlight 18 - The Star Warrior

The spirit floated back up from the ground, strafing towards koopin to deliver a blow from the side.

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Ihm war es bei strafe nicht gestattet zu reden. "leg dich auf den rücken und spreiz deine beine..." wieder befolgte der sklave die befehle sofort, nur diesmal zitterte er, zögerte aber keinen augenblick. der wolf rieb einen fuß auf den eiern des fuches.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 41

He strafed to the left a little, trying to get a view of what was going on behind it. just some more fields and grasslands. he strafed to the right, leaning his body as far as it would go without toppling. same thing. just vast open expanses of nothing.

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Tage im Juni - LEHRMEISTER (3) - Ger

Dann hätte er aber mit ariks strafe zu rechnen. die strafe für einen kleinen, feigen verräter. wieder kam ihm das bild vom blutigen chucks in den sinn. arik würde mit niklas das gleiche tun, selbst wenn er sein cousin war. ringelschweif oder nicht.

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Xenophobia: The Beginning

The approaching vtol was preparing for a strafe. spencer targeted the incoming aircraft. fired upon the aircraft. using short controlled bursts.

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Don't Fear the Reaper: Part 4

Slowly, he began strafing to the left. trisha noticed and held her fists out, mirroring his strafing except to the right.

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[Trade]Drachenreiter: Der Anfang von Askatrash

Niemand würde sich für ihn verbürgen oder gar die strafe für ihn übernehmen. also schwieg der gefesselte drache ehe er schritte hörte die sich ihm näherten.

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Sarmanian, 13:42

"roger, comrade commander," danger close meant that friendlies were nearby the strike area, and valery glanced down at the fighting and prepared to set up his strafing run.

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Ruchlose Federn

Gehorsam, ich sage etwas, du gehorchst ohne widerworte zu geben.", erklärte seran dann eindringlich und verpasste surasshu zur strafe einen klaps auf den hintern ehe er seine vorherige prozedur von neuem begann.

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Task Force - Perspective

The pilot strafed the wreckage with the 30mm chain gun as she increase altitude and power. the nose tilted downward and the helicopter sped back the way it had come. the bear turned to where the three passengers were.

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Moment of Valor

Planes fly overhead as they begin their strafing and bombing runs. with so much chaos unraveling before him he wonders if he will really make a change. as he made his way down to the loading bay he gets into a lvt.

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