the mare and i

The bull then walked in and hugged the lad as well, he'd never felt so much better, he then exited. the lad then took from the bag his gift to misty, she smiled and opened it then gasped at it, "oh hunny for me?

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Love for stallions

, i touched his ass so he would get close to me then i leaned down and put my arm though the gaps in the metal wire fence then i rubed his underside, he loked and his cock came out, i then rubbed more, being soft amost scraching him, then i took a change and

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An old reunion

Zazu then continued to plow anca as she screamed in delight and pleasurement. zazu then shoved in one final time as he then cums inside her satisfied pussy.

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balto vs raven: worst birthday ever!!!

Alittle then ask some pack members to help then they rush balto to nome for him not to die. raven then looks at jenna then falls tierd then jenna was sad about balto but walks to raven licking him but then she saw her party was distroyed jenna sighs but her

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field of dreams

This all seemed real but then so do dreams, he got to the others who all then stood in a circle, the stallion then snorted and the moon shone on his soft back fur.

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Midnight Rendezvous

Shira revs too and then looks up at the light. an-yan grins and then waits. the light then turns green and then an-yan steps on the gas and then pulls off.

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Which then the yellow one then said ",hey! you better watch whom you're talking to there human.'for we can do more then build things." which mikala then said ",and you are?" which he then siad ",oops where are my manners.

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cake by the beach

, she blushed as she then did his legs, she then had a wicked idea.

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milk me

He then got from his jacket a small shot glass and put some in, i sniffed it and then dipped my finger in and tasted it, then i drank it, it was yuk but at the same time warming i then drank the rest, he then took the glass and said "no more as its a man's

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The Banquet Of Fate

She nodded "yes..." then he smiled "go get him then.."

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a chance encounter

He then rubbed his cock on mine we both moaned he then turned me around and put his big cock on my ass checks i then heard a click of a camera he'd taken a picture i then got it and it said about to destroy this hole.

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