A Brief History of the CICS

S, a coyote spy was captured deep in yellowstone, and using this as a pretext, lupine federation troops once again marched into coyote country with the intent of seizing the land and subjugating its inhabitants.

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Chapter One: A little detour

"yellowstone national park." said blast sounding proud to say it. "can you help me find a way home." i asked not wanting to beg. "no." said blast starting to walk away. "why not?"

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Chapter 9: Telling a Legacy

We were in yellowstone, he said that jordan's dad has a plot in here, so it is legal. on our way here, shane talked to me and explained what videogames are. i think it's rather interesting, being able to do anything on a screen.

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 23

"have to head over to yellowstone sometime," patrick piped up. "you're a lot more likely to spot one there. though there was that one spotted around town a month ago and the ranchers constantly complain about them."

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White Wash (CUB)

Haven't seen him in a while" "he went off to study wolves out in yellowstone, he loves the wild wolf population a lot. he photographs them and things like that, he just got back last week."

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"royal forest... not yellowstone park, in montana?" wolf asked hopefully, looking around for anything familiar. "yellowstone?

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Chapter 3: It begins

Back to the story," he stated, "lilly and i moved to banff national park; victor stayed in siberia, just hidden; dante and carol moved to the porcupine mountains in michigan; dakota went to yellowstone; and winston went to la mauricie in quebec.

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Earth's New Masters Part 9 Not Tonight I've Got A Headache

For some reason i didn't want to talk about the fact that i had been terrified that it had all been a dream and i was still at yellowstone. "beau, you're trembling. are you going through withdrawal again?" "i think so master."

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 8

He wondered if either of them realized that they'd missed out on an opportunity to fit a "yellowstone" joke in there as well. "leave him alone!" david barked. jonathan could see the fur bristling on the back of the pup's neck. "oooh!

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08 - Gang Aft Agley

The few he had ever visited were the sort where straying from the trail was strictly forbidden to protect the environment from tourist damage, such as in yosemite valley, or to protect the visitors from boiling to death, like in yellowstone.

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Toga’s Path

He is given the name drako by the wolves of yellowstone for his great power and strength. toga on the other hand found himself wondering out of yellowstone and off into the unknown lands.

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