World Darkness 3: The Rapeing

Her animal instinct was still there. she picks up a can and throws it at him. he ducks, and it whizzes by. "what an arm.... the more you struggle though.." that same grin crossed his lips... "that look..." she remembered that man....

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 15)

animal instinct screamed to get away from before her squad mates could hurt her like this! but poor jem... she hurt too much to move.

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It's my Life (Part 3)

We walked out of the bathroom and decided that for now the best was to go commando, what with our lusty animal instincts having us on the edge constantly. so chad, how comes you can't shift back to human yet? **is that possible?

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Minty Fresh

He lets out a quiet purr as he slowly relaxes, forgetting his troubles and returning to his animal instincts. suddenly, a high pitch cry raises him from his meditative state.

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WOLF - pt.11

Lian sighed and explained, "my animal instincts took over, the sd effects towards the end switched from wanting sex to wanting blood. i lashed out and ripped her throat out before anyone could stop me from doing so."

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Hot Nights in Neon City - Bloodlust

Feeling his baser animal instincts kicking in he rubs his head against hers. a pain is felt as she nips his neck playfully. the sudden rush of pain mixed into the pleasure he was feeling and causes him to answer her back.

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You want to tell yourself that leaving the chair is because of animal instinct. to make the pain go away. and yet you step into the light. you feel at ease. the pain fades away like a bad memory. you hug your chest tenderly.

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The Interviews - Ishika Kuriame

It gave off energy unlike anything we saw, but it brought out some of our scientists' animal instincts." "like the supposed demons in fury." "exactly. we dubbed the rock fury essence.

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Odd Foxes

Still, she couldn't tell if all that lust was just from being pent up or animal instincts... it's not like he'd let himself fall into that, right?

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Private Property

His animal instincts took over him now as he began to wildly fuck the sleeping mouse. he soon reached his climax and let out a deafening roar of dominance over his new mate.

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Jwargod Commission: The Expidition On Sapphire

Just like her animal instincts, years of typing and computer use suddenly kicked in as "instinct" as well. her hands went up and turned on the solar powered computer, and pushed the "on" button.

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it could happen,,, part 1 (extra long premier) partially edited

"i was overpowered by the animal instincts that were in me so i couldnt show the fear. lets wait untill we get back home before we do it again, incase we transform."

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