Grade A Milk

Maybe make a breeding bull out of you?" joshua asked. jake moaned and nodded eagerly. "oh yes, oh yes i want that so much!" he panted. joshua nodded and moved over, bringing his hands together.

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Grade A Milk

Maybe make a breeding bull out of you?" joshua asked. jake moaned and nodded eagerly. "oh yes, oh yes i want that so much!" he panted. joshua nodded and moved over, bringing his hands together.

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Modeling Gig

"such a slut for your breeding bull," maximus grunted out. "i'm gonna make sure the polar bear gets a fresh coat of white by the time i'm done with your tight ass."

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King of the Mountain – The return of the Queen

This all sounded so cold and as if she was breeding cattle and not paring her son with a daughter in law to get grandchildren, that niar again felt like puking. the attitude of his mother was by far bad.

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Schedule Shift

Use that tongue and start cleaning my pits like i'm your perfect stud breeding bull." fuck him. if i wasn't already doing just that i'd be telling him exactly that but gods this taste.

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Chapter 4 - The embarrassment of being whored out

It's perfect for guiding you with and smooth as it is perfect for a breeding cow like yourself. so slave tell everyone gathered in the room what this horn says and what you see when you look at it.

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Birthright: A Hollow Knight Smutfic

_"my trophy and most prized and fertile breeding cow"._ she tried to argue, to whimper or shout.

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The Breeding Farm

If you do... well, life as a breeding cow is, from what i hear, a rather pleasant end as well," he smiled. there it was again. that buttery smile. valerie shivered. "how many of them 'break'?" she asked. _there_ was that catch.

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Nice and dangly, a proper breeding bull here, she announced. every step you make will make them jiggle delightfully, always remembering you of their presence.

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A Marked Man

. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the next day i drove out to the barn to see the newest breeding bull that i'd purchased. lacy, my overseer's golden retriever, ran up to my truck as i pulled into the dirt lot.

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Watcher of Arceus Path of the Immortal Chapter 4

_'that arrogant fool... to say such things and those foolish brothers, as if i would lower myself to be some breeding cattle. i would never have my off spring sold off for someone else gain.

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The Wish Chapter II

I have learned via the grape vine here of the sunrise research foundation and a new element of diverse immoral impropriety has purchased a large farm in scotland for breeding cattle.

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