Tea, Milk, and Cake

"would you like some cake?" she asked auspiciously, barely able to let loose a wide, invigorated grin.

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Cake with New Friends

A moment after the flame reached the cake it exploded, instantly covering everyone with delicious chocolate cake shrapnel.

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There She Is!! - Cake Dance

I got you guys some cake..." hoisaek, a grey rabbit with a not too subtle crush on hana, offered the cake to the two, with hana facepalming hard. "well, i am a bit hungry." doki said, taking the proffered cake.

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The table, the barabrian, and the cake

We'll save the cake for later tonight..." randy leaned in and gave a labored huff, extinguishing the flame. "did you make a wish?"

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Kora's Cake Holiday

The front shop and offices boasted large screens, across which floated images of cakes being decorated, with thick layers of gel-like icing dripping over fluffy risen cakes, intermittent with flashes of donuts and cookies, a confectionary display that made

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Green 'Cake' On Display

Green 'cake' on display for a-lycotonum by draconicon "they better have some goddamn spirits in this place..."

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I, Dacien -- Chapter 34 -- Consolidation

# I, Dacien Chapter 34 _Consolidation_ -- ©2021 Onyx Tao # I, Dacien **A Story by** _Onyx Tao_ Copyright 2021 by Onyx Tao This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This is a free...

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Story Give-Away 1: The Hypno-Cake

He walked over and pulled the box off, a little curious what kind of cake they had gotten him. it was massive, three big layers of cake and icing stretching up from the plate the cake was on.

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Phoenix - Chapter 3 - Going for a Ride

The bright sunlight nearly blinds the fox boy as he steps out of the hotel. He has to squint in order to get his bearings. Robert turns his attention to the broken-down taxi next to him. It is no longer billowing smoke from the engine, though the...

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Tales of Furope: The Indecesive Phoenix

Darkness asked, as a fingertip appeared out of the amorphous cloud of his body, daring to swipe a little of the frosting from the cake itself.

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