Frolick in the Grotto

Her fur was light gray in color and was the length commonly seen on wolves with the exception of her tail which was fluffier than that of the canis lupus or the panthera tigris.

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Slave in the Abbey

]( players: david, a 31 year old male human (homo sapien); 5'9" 160 lbs lapis, a 19 year old female anthro blue barbary falcon (falco pelegrinoides); 6'1" 165lbs; former slave kaito, a 30 year old male akita inu (canis

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Siberian the Half Blind Prince: A Call for Change

Kunigh are canis lupus like species, they have two arms, two legs, but are of wolfen decent. they have a muzzle, pointed ears, tend to grow between the sizes of 6'8" and 7'11".

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Chapter 4 - Ashes of Venery

"what a shame.the headmaster of the canis lupus school was concerned she'd never finish her training." "for what?" "have you not seen her cat-eyes?" "when i showed up. she was mostly endowments. with a gigantic belly attached." "ah.

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Jack's Tail: Chapter-3 New Owners

The rest of their genome is of canis lupus and the animal they resemble, but mostly the latter. so in six or so months they robbed me of well over half of my humanity and replaced it with that of canis lupus and a vulpine vixen.

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D.E1 Chapter 4: That first day

These vulpes individuals were very alike with our canis lupus ancestors. maybe there was compatibility between their genes, making it possible to breed." "what about your family members, hemi?"

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Not his first pair of handcuffs

Dogs are canis lupus familiaris, your cousins, evolutively speaking." she frowned at reading nick's reply: "and you're a bunnius nerdus nitpickingus.

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Death's Blood Ch. Three: A Friendly Contract

Three: A Friendly Contract (The day was as foggy as any day in winter is known to be. As predators, we were the lucky ones even when we could not even afford firewood. Even at this time, I stole. We had enough blankets to keep us warm at night....

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"step away from that canis lupus and i will." he said and nodded towards the girl. the dragon ducked his head under himself, looking to where the canine had pointed and there laid the girl.

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Life Changing Events - Chapter 1

Hiv negative, blood type c, pure canis lupus. that's a rare sight. you have a good chance of being sought after for a good price." he commented like i was nothing more then an item or a pet. the thought made me blush ever so slightly.

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Halloween Howling 2015

You had to be a canine, and the preference was heavily upon wolves, due to the frat's own deep association with canis lupus to begin with, though occasionally others were admitted as well.

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