
Kind of bland bread and cold cuts, but food nonetheless, and that was what was important. it was nice.

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 11: Laundry and Lamentations

cold cuts? meat? anything?" randall looked at her quizzically. "i didn't ever often have real food like this. i don't know _what_ i like. meat sounds good, though." he said, licking his chops.

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Relatively Easy

Some cold cuts. he could get by on those, no cooking required. but they sounded just...boring. it was friday, and archer felt like he ought to be doing something fun with it.

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Dogs of War - Chapter 5 - Through Other Eyes

Cassius reserved a private booth off to one side and ordered a selection of cold cuts and accompaniments along with a pitcher of karkaden and second plate and cup.

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Wolf Brother Chapter 2

By the time lunch rolled around both guys were appropriately worn out, and they both groaned at their sore muscles as they ate cold cuts out of the fridge.

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Unnamed Mousie - Ch 11: It never rains around here it... just comes pouring down

The cold hurt and there was nothing i could do about it, i felt so completely helpless. i have no idea how long we had to march like this. i think it wasn't all that long, perhaps as little as half a bell, but it felt like forever.

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A Little Bit More [Patreon Commission]

There was hurt in that voice, heavy, cold hurt. askia could remember the pain from when he was first told his mother wouldn't make it. "things like...?"

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Chapter 4: The Coming Storm

Kane advanced on blitz, the wolf cradling his cold wound and staring up at the cougar intensely, his expression unreadable save for the pain that was obviously present. "i had been expecting more...but nonetheless you were a worthy opponent."

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Sty of Pigs Trilogy

As she walked through she saw the cold-cuts section and saw the ham on the wall and nearly barfed. she gagged and ran with the kart to the next section. "how could these humans eat us like that? soon they will see the folly of their ways 'snort'.

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Rio paled...someone had been knocked out cold, wounded, and then dragged to another floor. suddenly, he heard a slight groan, and looked around to see the panther, propped up by the wall, a long blade of some yellow substance pinning him like an insect.

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Alligator Wrestling

Jeffrey headed into the kitchen and emerged a few minutes later with a platter of cheese, crackers, what looked to be grass and a few cold cuts of meat for his carnivore guest. he produced a couple of frosted mugs of beer as well.

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A Private Breeder

Everything from cold cuts and bread to sweets and pastries could be found. "i'm sure our friend won't mind, baker. we've still to wean him from kibble yet."

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