Sentinel of the Concrete Skies 2: As the Scales Spread.

"you're completely screwed." "janemba begs to differ." \*\*\* sadly, no one had thought to clean up the bloody mess on the roof.

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A New Life in a New Body V2: Mandlig Mountain

Glaring at him i sighed and said "i'm completely screwed in the head, and sacrifice means next to nothing to me, i take it you're one of the research experiments i decided not to kill some 13 years ago.

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The Kingdom - Episode Three - Lily Reila

I would have been completely screwed if leo and rob didn't show up and help me out.

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2500 Days Chapter 5&6 (Gay Romance)

My sister had dated an addict and he completely screwed her over. she's probably trying to protect me by being so aggressive against you. "rosa said you told her about the pills. that's probably how she got the idea that i relapsed." jacob said.

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Lightning - 7 - Vision Thing

Lane made a completely screwed up face. "ahhh, he's eating caroyan food in front of us again," he groaned, and put his face down into his arms. "you are very dramatic all of a sudden, mister burroughs!"

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Fluid Personality

Shame that the first woman sam decides to completely screw over just so happens to have a mother who is a literal witch. as usual, lucy was clingy and sam did not mind- her holding onto his arm also unintentionally squished her tits against him.

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Tales From Switch City: Kickaha's Tale

The educational system wasn't completely screwed up. there were quite a few teachers who actually were doing the best with what they had and were in fact, not terrible human beings.

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Long Journey

"i told you pissing off lazar would be a bad idea; now we're completely screwed, and it's all your fault." "how is it his fault?" gustav demanded. "he cut our profits in half by limiting our salvage," zack began.

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He'd been a computer technician for a large company and was a rather competent worker until he'd completely screwed up just once. that once was such a large failure that he had no hope for finding another tech job again.

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Making of a sissy

The completely screwed jock moaned, cum dripping out of his limp cock as the longest orgasm of his live thundered through his body.

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The Changing Game

Surely the bear wouldn't completely screw him over with another transformation. the handsome bear approaches carson at his podium. "no transformation for you, but i've been dying to do something since you changed." he says.

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Angel of the Morning

It was so weird that girls held no interest for him at all, yet someone like kellar could do things to his emotions to completely screw up his normally subdued attitude. the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt.

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