Top Dog

---- a little contest entry for a cafe plaisir writing contest from a few months back. realized that i had forgotten to post it! thain is my good boy/hell hound and he's an absolute pleasure to write about.

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I would like to observe that only one of the contest entries was chosen as a featured story, and that was samantics' wonderful tale soul searching. it is his first published story anywhere, and it was featured.

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Rodeo Night

Reese's voice sounds quite loud in the stillness of the truck's cab, which causes justin to startle, " i think we better be quick, it's already 7:30 and the contestant entry booth closes at 8:15. " he can only nod and reach out with a shaking hand to grab

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High Demand for a Seasonal Treat

contest entry for big-balls club (fa) [ ] bryce (c) psi 4:15 am. the light blue face of the alarm clock was only too happy to remind bryce that his work day was supposed to begin soon.

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Fluids and a cup of TF

## team\_tf trigger contest entry of pierrot90 on fa # fluids and a cup of tf "no serious?" dave asked. "yes i'm serious, i'm a furry." mike answered while he picked up the glass of beer from the bar.

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Playing With Fire

An: this was my agnph contest entry but i didn't win. :( thank you to hiken kiyoshi (=mew sands) for betaing. isn't fire a remarkable thing? it springs into life from nowhere and returns there when it's done.

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My previous story, rick's punishment contest entry, won 3rd place in the competition and earned me $25. hopefully this chapter is satisfactory.

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Evolution's Gate, Forever Legendary, Mew's Christmas Carol and The Human Species - Q&A

Heck, every story's a contest entry except for ths, and that's just because i need to constantly edit it.

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Girls Night Out (Kassandra TF/TG/MC) [CE]

contest entry for this thing: category is mental change.

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Social Lubricant

A contest entry for ruaidri; raptor-dragon meets a drunken fennec fox. what gives? thanks to arcane reno for letting me know this contest was happening.

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Uncontrolled Talent

A contest entry by: kusaragi story © me! female roop is © theroop ( guest appearance by luke delfino ( lucario © whoever owns poke'mon.

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Luring The Maid

Written as a contest entry for xrosskies. written by driana le' souris. do not claim, repost, unless you are xrosskies.

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