Voyager: Chapter 2

He was making fun of me for slipping on what he said was a banana peel almost as soon as i stepped out of the convenience store.

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The exclusive (Pledge Drive, Part 1)

She almost succeeded in putting him off balance, and with a growl he slammed her up against the brick of the convenience store.

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That Scent Act I and Prologue

The bells attached to the door of the convenience store sounded their signature song, striking the silence asunder, and allen looked up to aknowledge their performance.

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A Twist of Life Part 2 of ?

He decided to pull into a small convenience store called qwik gas. parking in front of the door, he grabbed his phone and opened the message. "too much?" he smiled and typed a response out. "not at all, i could send you a picture and ask the same."

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My Brother Sky

He used to walk into convenient stores and just grab alcohol and walk out without paying. sky was nothing but a poison to our community. everyone who hated him admired his good looks. he drew perfect portraits and artwork.

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Adam & Greg 2

Greg thought about it "yeah you can but don't tell mom" greg walked into the convenience store and headed for the candy isle.

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The Model - Chapter Twenty Five

There was a convenience store, a shady looking bar, a bowling alley and lil's was sitting at the end. kurt parked the lotus outside and i noticed a pair of scraggly looking setters sitting outside the convenience store on bikes.

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Pins and Needles, Part IV

. \* \* \* \* gwen turned left onto the main road into town passing a small twenty-four hour convenience store. she felt a slight tug to her right and turned at the next corner. the feeling was definitely stronger.

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The Hunter's Green Test run

He knew the door to the convenience store would be locked, so he made for the back of the building.

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 1 - Everything Is Never As It Seems

Banishing such happy thoughts from his head, he turned his back on the light and sanctuary of the convenience store, and walked further into the shadows of the concrete jungle.

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Into the Fire (A1, B10, C6)

"yeah, at a convenience store." karla nodded. "why don't you start from the beginning, but keep it short and sweet so you don't get upset while telling me about it."

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