Lady and The Tramp II: Unpleasant Dreams

After the boys finished claiming their bitches, lady's eyes wandered over into the other room where her three first born daughters were sleeping and wondered to herself, _what about our first born daughters?

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Lady and the Tramp II: The Nightmare

After the boys finished claiming their bitches, lady's eyes wandered over into the other room where her three first born daughters were sleeping and wondered to herself, _what about our first born daughters?

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Alpha Wolfio’s Origins By Alpha Wolfio

In traditional wolf packs, the first-born male cub of the leader and mate became the future pack leader. ninani and nitah decided to try again and have a male cub, and that they would take alpha to the swamp in five months.

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Just what is a little experamint or possiblity for development for dezzie, and it's called umbeivability for the fact that no black vampire has ever had two pairs of horns, and no black vampire created has had pure white eyes, only children first born still

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Teaching the Ropes (Part 1)

Lena had started dating lucas in high school, where she became pregnant with chelsea, their first-born. they got married during their senior year and lucas went on to college, leaving lena at home to ween their newborn cub.

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Reinvention - Reinvented Epilogue: Results

Her first borns. a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, that looked so much like their parents. she'd delivered them not too long after jumba's return. they were maturing abnormally fast, just as lilo had after having her genetics modified.

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Believe – Chapter 11: Cloudy night

The wolf was his master piece, his first-born child! so we are what the moon wanted, loyal and wild! the wolf is the gem of his yard!" imya cried a bit when she remembered this old poem.

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The Spoils Of Peace

If you will not show honor and offer your life for the lives of your people, then i take instead your first-born son." five vulpine heads lifted and locked eyes immediately on the sixth.

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Xavier's new hope part 11

She laid back as the first born was out, the young male pup cried as it was cleaned and weighed. johana winced and grunted with another sharp pain. "its not over!" she growled as the nurse ran back and got down to help the other pup.

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Character Profile: Tiger

History:tiger was the first born child of her family, and the only one for around 6 years. despite growing up without a father figure, she was raised a fine young lass by her mother.


Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

The first born son is john fastolf. a hearty furson with strong people skills, and a built figure he has been bread for his position from birth, but at his father's death he gave up his birthright, forfeiting it to his brother.

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Chapter 1 Dilemma

An instinct born of his feeling for the loss of kopa, their first born. she never heard the story of what happened, and knew better than to ask. but because of it, she could not see forming a relationship with her father when the time came.

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