First Impressions Chapter 18

. \*\*\*\* jessica grinned as she read the invite to the garden party from geraldine. it was nice to see hand written cards these days, rather than the impersonal emails that often substituted them.

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First Impressions Chapter 22

Felicity and clyde are coming home with us after the garden party tomorrow. they both want a guided tour of my stock and demonstration rooms, and they will be staying the night too." "they are what?" ruth spluttered.

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Horsie Ride

There was a small garden party taking place and the little girl was as wiggly as a puppy. there was little chance that she'd sit still for a meal surrounded by businessmen and women. "come on, todd! don't be so slow!"

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First Impressions Chapter 23

All i can tell you is that jessica's parents turned up at the garden party and there was a scuffle. now drop it!" ruth growled. "okay, weren't hurt were you?" felix asked concerned. "no...but her father was. shit!

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Petticoats and Padding

Linking his arms with both fara and kei, he walked between them towards the back exit where the garden party was being held. the back garden was aglow under a crepuscular sky.

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