06 - Observations

Everypony knew to stay clear of the badlands, and this was especially so during the great dragon migration. once a century every dragon gathered to frolic.

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A Milky Delight

The great dragon chuckled. "tell me why i should've bothered sparing a trouble maker like you from taking the plunge down to my gut?" he asked. "i'm not a trouble maker, sire." rastaban said, wiping his saliva drenched face off.

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Rebirth [part 1]

She read of a great dragon name tonitrus. his power was feared by many, while others would worship him, hoping that he would bring thunderstorms to relieve their land of droughts.

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A Dragons Kingdom Chap.1

The look in sylvia's eyes started to border more on fear now as she stepped towards the great dragon and set the paper on the table, pushing it towards him.

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The Servant

It was thrilling to milk this great dragon's tool with his throat like his mouth was just a surrogate to a woman's cunt. he wanted to please lore varyl and it didn't matter which end he used!

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Ancient Scriptures

Angered further by their actions, the gods unleashed a plague upon the great dragon city. many would die of sickness, others would turn against each other. their extinction was inevitable.

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The Warring World

Using dark magick and sheer force of will he called them forth, the three great dragon lords of old. and bound them to his will. enslaved they had no choice but to follow his command.

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A Dragon Redeemed, Part 1

I had seldom felt more totally alone in my life, but putting down my sword i walked towards the great dragon with my arms spread in the universal gesture of peace. and i'm not ashamed to admit i took my time!

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The Book of Eden

The great dragon gods moved with vigor inside of eden, leaving behind all pretense of gentleness, and her body trembled and shook as it moved with them.

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Clockwork: City of Gears

The great dragon mechs who guard the gears. for they have long forgotten their purpose for creation and now forge a new one based around little knowledge they have left. protect the humans. guard them at all costs.

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Six Beasts a-(S)laying

The beast's face still features the same jagged maw of the great dragon. the same horns, too, curling over top their skull and straight forward. a tail swishes behind them, spaded at the tip.

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The Kobold's Dream 4

The great dragon gods each stood for one of the great extremes of the world, kata knew. some thought that they stood for good and evil, but that wasn't the case, as all kobolds knew.

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