Special Treatment

Detecting the change in the youthful scent, the canine officer releases his hold upon the grey furred neck, and moves his paw to grab hold of the bulge in his prisoner's pants.

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The Furry Rebellion: In the ICU

.** ** she points to where the grey fur turns into a light shade of brown. it is in the shape of a lightning bolt.

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The Prison Break

The grey-furred gut pressed firmly against the base of the tunnel, puffing out like a water balloon, his cushy lovehandles squishing against themselves, little blue rolls pinching against the concrete.

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My girl is a boy part 14 - A new ally

After that they untied the caracal boy and removed his blindfold so he could see his now naked friend and the naked grey furred mouse boy.

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Costume Change

The white furred wolf reached up and grabbed the spiked leather collar his grey furred lover still wore.

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[COMMISSION FOR Jayne] Life At Stake

He shuffled cards among his fingers while his piercing yellow eyes stared out at the similarly robed grey furred and purple haired mouse that entered the room.

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The Altered Boy

He could not see it, but grey fur had begun to spread from his loins, replacing the wiry brown curls he once bore.

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Meet the Black Stars; Garok's Story

Out of the corner of the grey furred creature's eye a large and imposing draconian emerged from the shadows it was standing in previously.

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Let's Play: The Lady Is The Tiger

If it was possible, the big-titted tigress seemed to be smirking around that muzzlefulof lupine cockhead at the effect she was having on her grey-furred partner.

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The figure changed into a wolf, tall with cool grey fur and ice blue eyes. a toothy grin was splayed across his muzzle as he stood confidently, naked in the open.

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The grey furred roo still had his cap on as he slept, that enormous member just spilling precum onto the ground. regardless of how annoyed he was, eddie couldn't help but enjoy the view in front of him.

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TBTS: Welcome To Bedtown!

Two grey-furred male cats drives in through the city roads like tough guy cats on their motorcycles. they both wear leather jackets except one has casual shoes while the other has mean looking boots. the boots looked wicked.

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