Breakfast at Richard's (Richard and the Fae ch8)

Y'know, there really is a lot of steel in the human world. we're... i'll get you some gloves. can you even open the refrigerator?" "so long as i only touch the handle, yes. the door itself will burn me.

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Zy Zy University Chapter 3

"you know guys this place may be amazing one of the best reminds me of the human world..." he started getting very sad. "don't worry about it" julia patted his back "maybe we can visit the human world some time soon again..." he smiles.

5 Seasons of Love

And as for worlds the human's world had gone through its most difficult battle yet. it seemed like the human world and the digital world were drawing nearer to each other than ever before.

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The Wolf Demon Tribe

I try to keep up on events happening in the human world and your town was on their news." said caso "how did you see the news in this world?" "like this."

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Secrets of the Library: Amber Blackwood

The human world. ponies strapped in chains with a down look on their faces. a man walked down stairs and came in looking at them with a high opened mouth with teeth together upon his face.

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An Eventful Trip

"i have decided in all of my wisdom to grant us all access to the human world." derhith who had awakend shortly after sirblood ears perked up at this. "all of us are you sure that is wise?"

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The Digimon Wars Aftermath Chapter 1 When Will They Ever Learn?

They were surprised when they saw that some of them had kids of their own, these people seemed much more mature that of the human worlds. as they approached the huge palace they noticed that some digimon were actually following them.

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Binding Chains Of Love

Though, at this current time there is no method on how to take humans from the human world into the pokemon world.

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Corruption of the Dataheart

"oof, n-nice to see you too mimi, but how did i get back to the human world?" matt said with a bewildered look on his face as they both embraced. "davis found you after he and veemon became worried and went searching for you.

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 24

Thrilled as wolfgirl was to be away from the artificial human world, she felt anxious and vulnerable with the stunted olfactory and auditory senses available to her.

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Blood in the Moonlight 1

"the digital world went through its times of war and peace through the millenia just like the human world. infact we have always been influenced somehow by the human world so our histories and cultures are surprizingly similar.
