The Ballad of Phillip: Chapter 3

Author's Note: Thanks to my mate, my watchers, and my viewers. You guys are awesome! The Ballad of Phillip Chapter 3: 1992 1992, the year I finally lost my virginity. How did that happen? Well, after the Flame Dogs' mini tour ended in...

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The Binds that Tiger

in the closet? or does he just not care? it takes a house party to really push the pair to take that next step.

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Meet Me in the Broom Closet

Beyond the normal work hours there stayed a few employees at the customer service call center. It was an all right job, a lot of sitting down and a lot of talking to other people. Not very exciting, but it didn't need to be. As long as the pay was all...

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Chapter 3 - It's a Living

**Chapter 3: It's a Living** It's funny, but I used to sleep better when I was covered in soot, had barely a cot for a bed, and zero privacy. I even slept better than I did now when I was on the ship. However, ever since I had landed in...

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Chapter 3: Closets and Bikers

I pouted and tried to give the biggest puppy dog eyes I could but they were having no affect on Becky as she stood resolute. The large crocodile kept her arms crossed over her chest as she silently told me no. "Please?" I begged. "No." "But why...

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We Are Alone in Our Closet

_This story has adult content. If it is illegal for you to be viewing this, then please don't. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. The story and characters belong to me, Renaux. If you want to use them, just ask permission, and I'm sure we can work something...

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Yasha, Fievel Jr's Closet.

Yasha, Fievel Jr's Closet. Yasha woke, finding her diaper still dry. She crawled over to the unlock switch on her crib, and them managed to unlock it. She took her time, to crawl down the side of her crib, since she didn't want to make a sound, if...

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Out of the closet: Chapter I

The teenage wolf called Tom sighed. He had tried to prepare himself for this for many days now but still it seemed like a difficult thing to do. He was going to come out of the closet to his dad. For two years since the age of 12 Tom had been more and...

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Closet Love Chapter 2

Just as I take my seat in the back of the classroom, the bell goes off. Bill, yes that juice head bull, walks in shortly after. Ms Serpintina slithers her way over to him and yells "You're late!" "I was just-" he began to say but was cut off. "I...

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Closet Love Chapter 1

I wake up gasping for air, it was that same dream, that same reoccurring nightmare. It happens every night: my parents kicking me out of the house, being outted at school, getting beat up in the Burger King parking lot. The exact same nightmare every...

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Closet Slave pt 1

Driving home from work, all I can think of is how exhausted I am. It was a long day, and I can feel my muscles aching with each little movement. The boss was really demanding today and by the end of it we were all pretty stressed out. When I finally...

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In Mother's Closet: A Proper Stud

The brush raked over Vanir's coat roughly, making him squirm a bit and try to pull away before a firm hand on his shoulder pulled him back in place on the chair while his brother moved around him. Xamir's smile was supposed to be reassuring, but all it...

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