the start of war

I've been monitoring you magical creatures for a long time now; of coarse there have been wars that you don't know about. like the war between me and the dark dragon, but i'll tell you that later for now we must get out of here."

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New World, New Life Ch 1

I-i don't know...where i come from dragons, magic, & other magical creatures don't exist where i come from.....where am i anyways? for your information i'm very real & your in the city feasta. who are you anyways? oh um..

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Chapter 12: A Trip to the Woods and I Learn About Magic, What the Hell it is and How the Hell a Person is Supposed to Use It?

Legalities: The story is copyrighted to me. Most characters are copyrighted to me. Dasher, Thoan, Steve Brightflame, Shandi Dracul, Mac, Ayrean, Nevyn and Arzosah, Agro, Tibu, and Dwayne are all copyrighted to their owners who I swear I've said in my...

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Breaking the Bull

He was a magical creature, a golem of joy to others that seemed to repair itself almost instantly time and time again.

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Lovecraftian Cataclysm -- Chapter 1

There were many other worlds in the universe but what made earth special was many years ago a god descended into the heart of the planet and put the planet under an enchantment that discouraged the development of magical creatures and disallowed entry to magical

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Adventures in Carnal: Chapter 4

Demons were especially capable of doing this, considering they were magical creatures and had a stronger connection with their spirit energy. "booty basher!"

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Card Wars Chapter 1

Before wonderland was consumed with war, it was just a peaeful little world filled with magical creatures of unknown, and ruled by alice, the white queen and the red queen, that is until the ruins came, wonderlnd became swept up in a viscosious hell that only

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Tik Tik at the Pooka's Pool 4

In the end, we're both magical creatures." tik tik exemplifies what she has to say, holding her hand cupped to the side. swirls of magical energy coalesce around her.

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Gulped Down

Being swallowed, after all, without a magical creature taking good care of him, was a risky endeavour indeed. yet in the dragon's maw was right where simon wanted to be.

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Veshra and Netty 3

magical creatures... they're always a good lay. veshra's own sounds of exertion get louder and higher as she thrusts faster into the woman underneath of her.

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Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 7

And it's only a matter of time before we contract fleas, especially since we're starting care of magical creatures this year," said ron.** ** ** ** ** **"they can't make me change back.

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Dragoon the Magnificent

On the sixth day, right before the daily attempt at killing the sorcerer occurs, the city gets attacked by a horde of monstrous magical creatures led by the high priestess morgause.

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