A weekend in Ata'Kiru, the final part 3

Devlin called me mentally unstable." i said, smiling. "emotionally unstable, i said, alduin." devlin corrected. "same thing where he's concerned,i suppose." valmeero grinned. "oh, i don't think so." takori interrupted."

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A Tail to Make You Feel Good

On the other, a large soviet base lead by the mentally unstable (more or less) nikolai moskvin. the look of this battlefield really points out the differences between the two foes.

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After the Storm - Part 26 [Curious Kids]

"i am not leaving my sister with a mentally unstable person." jacob sternly protested. "then why did you agree in the first place?" the sceptile grinned deviously at the gallade.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 11 - See How They Run

No one wants to be a cripple, or mentally unstable. no one wants to be poor or ill. but that's the lot we drew in life. i just happened to draw the worst lot ever, having the so-called 'fate of the world' on my shoulders.

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Chapter Seventeen

Here we are crying because i'm mentally unstable. i wish i wasn't so i wouldn't have to worry avi. i push him away softly and look directly into his eyes, which were red from crying. "i promise," i whisper. "you mean it?" he asked, sniveling.

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Kyuubi no Wilde, Part One

He wasn't entirely sure why he was here, when a hospital for the mentally unstable would surely have been more suitable; but, somehow, he had a vague notion that his colleagues on the force would be able to help him in his bizarre situation.

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To A Human World

The person has to be quite mentally unstable to turn feral- and there are treatments to help bring a feral back to be part human again, going feral isn't necessarily the end of your humanity.

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That is all he needed now, to be mentally unstable on top of all of his other problems. he remembered his ankle as throbbing started in his left leg. he was in luck, as he looked he spied a fallen branch that looked like it would support his weight.

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Toni gets Latexed

Sara asked, in the voice she used for grilling mentally unstable witnesses. "they just moved off my face, remember? and check out my boobs!" toni's suit stopped at her bustline, like some weird, um, bustier.

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906 The Fish His Brother

I think you need to already be mentally unstable in very specific ways, and have some really powerful repressed talents to accommodate its intrinsic uncertainty." "looks like sethkill is an excellent candidate then. maybe it should borrow him."

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Drawn Out

Eoin was no slave, in any sense of the word, but he still felt duty to the great dragon, so he shoved down his sense of being forced to babysit the mentally unstable houseguest for several hours. it wasn't how he'd wanted to spend his friday afternoon.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 7- Silver Reality

"they... deemed me mentally unstable, and replaced my pe class with one for disabled students. well, i was glad to be out of that class for good, but... i was not mentally disabled.

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