
Since that time, a great many groups, including the sponsors of renaissance festivals, put themselves at arms -- or perhaps at pole arms -- distance from medsoc itself. i shook my head at such memories.

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Inside The Gryphon's Nest

He dropped the pole arm, letting it embed in the dirt as his hand shot between his legs, fingers rapidly circling and playing with his clit as he bounced up and down on his own tail, picturing the lover underneath him.

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Cold Autumn Nights

So vixia went over and decided to buisy herself, taking up her bardiche and a flint stone, and sat on her bed and began to sharpen the blade of the deadly pole-arm.

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Cold Autumn Nights

So vixia went over and decided to buisy herself, taking up her bardiche and a flint stone, and sat on her bed and began to sharpen the blade of the deadly pole-arm.

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Lori Pathen 4- Getting Lost In The Work

Adonu got in the face of the gnome with the pole arm, his tail thrashing. "if you so much as prick me with that tooth-pick your kingdom is at war!" the gnome dropped his weapon and peed himself. "as for you!"

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Wardreads Chariot (CH-2/Part2)

There was a clash of sinew as the charging scarax felt its own pole arms snap and shatter, since drak smashed his antlers through the extended quills and into the scarax's core.

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Several guards in sleek tempered steel armor and brandishing pole-arms stood at attention in various parts of the hallway. at the end of the hallway was a thick oak door, reinforced with steel beams and a heavy iron padlock.

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Shipmates with Booty Fix Episode 1 The Feast of Furstivus

arm and fire arm, mounted on the horizontal on his way out of the room and ultimately out of the bungalow.

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Commission: Reprogram and Repurpose

With that shield out front to further protect himself, his hand reached behind him, feeling his fingers wrap around the long shaft of a lengthening pole arm that grew from his grip only to be thrust forward before it was even done being formed.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 1

Out of their entire group, durnok was the most skilled at toe-to-toe combat and his magically enchanted pole arm helped with that in a number of ways.

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The Royal We (1 of 2)

Both of them made their way through the hallway to the main throne room, where there were dozens of equine guards lining the walls, each decked out in full armor and brandishing a pole arm.

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The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 4

Almar (knives, scythes, sickles, hand axes, picks and pitchforks), tristan, who prefers to go by tris is well regarded by the lawgivers and has the esteemed honor of being the primary supplier of controlled weapons such as swords and pole arms to the guardsmen

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