Star Madness

The excitement of this moment was all-encompassing and so rational thought was out the window. he knew they both enjoyed the company of the other monsters here, male or female, but they had never been together themselves.

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This Is Me Challenge. Dreaming of the future.

I was alwaysa serious, rational, thoughtful type of person but anxiety went against all reason, to stress over things that could not truly hurt me?

Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter Two -

"i - " alex gurgled, rational thought driven out of his mind, before he twitched and pushed forwards, his knot popping into claire's vagina with a soft squelch, locking the kangaroo and dingo together.

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Troubled Times

She was drooling over herself, nearly all conscious, rational thought on the back burner as her mind simply tried to keep her lungs breathing and heart beating. the worgen, meanwhile, was quite enjoying the show.

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Unlikeliest of Partners - Chapter Two -

"i - " alex gurgled, rational thought driven out of his mind, before he twitched and pushed forwards, his knot popping into claire's vagina with a soft squelch, locking the kangaroo and dingo together.

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Breaking Benjamin

Before ben could even think, every synapse in his brain felt as if it caught fire due to the new sensations of what felt like the fluffiest feathers ever stroking the arches of his taut three-toed feet and all rational thought was momentarily lost -

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Brother Mine - Chapter Five - Ties That Bind -

Any rational thought was driven from the elder's mind, as his body shuddered and nerve endings seared like fire through him, he'd never imagined in his wildest dreams, how it would have felt - but as he felt his younger brother kneeling beneath him, his choking

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Love of Two, Fate of Many Chapter 3

Hinata was enraged beyond the point of rational thought. even the calming, and questioning feelings in his head couldn't bring him back. if the steer said one more word...

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One - Chapter 1

The voice responded again, not about to turn down a request form a dear friend, but still seeking a rational thought. "i'll explain when you get here... i know you'll know what to do. i don't want to believe it... i can't.

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Coon Fandango 6: Good night.

Then the scent of aroused coyote reaches him and all rational thought disappears.

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Existence Part 1: Tessi's Last Night

Her depression had quelled almost all rational thought for months. this was just the end point of a long painful slide down. her body hurt, but it was almost impossible to tell if this was from the pills or from her emotional state.

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The Wolf on the Island

My rational thought tried to dissuade me, to go back now before it was too late, but i continued in. the place was clean yet appeared quite well lived in, with ornaments and photographs resting on a few shelves.

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