Troubled Times

Troubled Times by BangBear "Well, this is the right place. But nothing's here..." Guan walked deeper into the empty room as she looked around. She double-checked the directions to be sure she was in the right place, confirming it after a...

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Two Months Time: Locked Up

Chapter Three: Locked up Max The bourbon left a distinct taste in my mouth. It must have been made special for this autumn evening. The lights outside the bar lit up a picturesque city filled with varying people going and doing their varying things....

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The Shark Tank

Now being trapped in a full sized chastity belt, worn by one oblivious tiger shark and time locked to her hips.

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Deus Ex Inferni V: The Third Age

Persephone would not be able to find out though, as the destruction of the time lock had all but severed connection with heaven. the first thing she pulled out was the golden helm.

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Deus Ex Inferni III: The End War

It was agreed after the last great war that when the time lock reset, there would be no war. it is too costly and pointless. unfortunately adramelech has fallen to alastor and vetis, and the war is now inevitable." "wait...what's the time lock?"

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Chapter XI: To the Sun

"chronomancers used to suffer from one drawback from being time locked; whatever state they were in when time locked is the state they will forever revert to whenever they are harmed. that means their level of strength is permanently locked in time.

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 8.0

If you time lock an object with moving parts, you want to make sure that it can still be _moved_ or its parts adjusted. time locking a gun is a bad idea if not done properly."

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New Map | by KitsuneJey

So much time locked up in that white and infinite prison, but hope still burnt deeply inside me. _" __there's a hole / in your heart, / begging / for adventure!

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Chronomancer Chronicles: Bloodfyre - 3.0

"you mean you will time lock her?" "that's what i said." aria frowned at him. "and you failed to notify her that time locking is _not_ true immortality. _you_ were the one that created techniques that could destroy those who were time locked.

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Faux Fox Follies

"it was seriously you this entire time?" lockely looked at calex. "i've had a lot of people yelling at me today!" "three is hardly a lot." calex shrugged.

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Sleepless in New York

Not to mention, there seems to be a time lock on you at the moment._ "a... time lock?" _time lock: noun: a multiverse related mcguffin that prevents a time traveler from time traveling either backwards or forwards because of some reason._ "uh...

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Meeting with the Past

Another one, this time locked out of the house as it stormed as indigo gave silent 'vees' as he looked on waiting. then lastly an image of blaze leaving, disappearing as he traveled down the dirt road.

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