Reaper Juniper Hill: Chapter 2

The most exciting thing that had happened on night watch so far was when a shifty looking raccoon had broken in and tried to steal some documents.

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Life of a Firefly

She caught a few shifty looks from her stepsisters, but really, that could just be a reaction to her somewhat-daring bikini. but hotaru was no fool, far from it.

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My Weekend with Sharon

The place had made a bad first impression on me, having greeted me with a shifty-looking lizard checking out human porn on the job, but i was impressed by what followed.

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Sunless Era - 1/2

She gives canta a shifty look. "aaaanyway, i was thinking: the jury will soon declare you the talent show's winner." the dove tilts her head. "i didn't win just yet..." "sheesh, don't play false modesty on me. of course you wan.

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Sunless Era - 2/2

Then, on an afterthought, hegives a shifty look at the robot and adds: "or so i've been told." "the female cat's vagina is, indeed, vertical," confirm a-ford.

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Upon Crooked Foundations

"out and about doing her thing.", mik said, although he threw a shifty look to the side when he did. "and paht?", folgren asked, hoping at least their elephantine asset was still capable. "injured. gang broke his fucking leg.", mik said. "gods under.

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Direza's Trials

The trio of criminals - a short, stocky man with a bushy beard and a rapidly balding head, muscular despite his pronounced paunch, trailed by two rather reedy and shifty-looking types who had to be the thugs who originally kidnapped her - froze just inside

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In the mirror brian saw a brownish gray scrawny and well, shifty looking, shifter freeze like a deer in headlights. with a growl, he crushed the cigarette between two of his fingers and grudgingly complied. that explained the clean bar area.

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