The Disappearing Act

The collar was special, given to him by his lover, the one who he had dreamed of spending the rest of his life with, and it was for the purpose of going out to spend time with this special person that he even bothered getting out of bed that night.

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A Country Outing

Things i hope to share with a special person...." "share them with me!" gwen replied, with genuine excitement. chloe' reached into a bedside table drawer, withdrawing some lovely green beads, the size of large marbles.

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Tangles - chapter4: Mi Casa, Su Casa

All that matters is that your love for each other is genuine and that you would do anything just to be with that one special person." aaron began to tremble as tears welled up in his eyes. "b-but" he began to stutter.

Death of DNA Chaps. 6-7

"a... special... person. we found him drifting, unconscious, in the river several moons ago, and he has been with us ever since.

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The Garnet Moon

I knew you were a very special person, but this is something that goes beyond me. i don't know if i'm the best person to help you right now." blake's ears leaned flat against his skull and his eyes trembled as his greatest fear was coming true.

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A Virishian Day

Currently, i've 124 children spread on different worlds and stations: as good practice of civilized races, biological parents have no duty toward newborn cubs who are raised collectively by specialized personal.

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Akio's House (Part 3)

I know i only really get off on how _you_get off on it, but...i really _was_ your special person. right from the first time. you said _"put your ear on my chest so you can hear my heartbeat."_ remember?' i remembered. so did my manhood.

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April Fools

Most of them had been downright eager to help with the prank, coming up with bizarre fetishes and fantasies, or adding special, personal touches to sharon's suggestion.

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 5 Part 1 of 2

Somehow, though you might not think so, you're a very special person. some power, ahj or the aspects, thinks you're important." his cynical companion wasn't convinced. "so you managed to arrange the hotel to hide out in.

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Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 3

He said looking at me, "maybe i am a special person." i chuckled and but the sword in the rack next to me, then taking the wooden sword and started training with earl. after few hours of slashing with wood swords, zathras came to me.

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Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 3

He said looking at me, "maybe i am a special person." i chuckled and but the sword in the rack next to me, then taking the wooden sword and started training with earl. after few hours of slashing with wood swords, zathras came to me.

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It was as if he was searching for that one special person. mark opened the box; tucked away inside was nothing but latex clothing. he pulled out garment after garment, his mind spinning as he touched it all.

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