Three Peaks

When he managed to regain some of his senses, the grey wolf carefully dismounted, swinging himself around to stand tail to tail with her just as doko had done once he had finished with lynua.

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Into The Beast

Then he heard a grunting sound and looking in the direction it came from was amazed to see his mate, aurel, tail to tail with a large black wolf only twenty feet away. she was tied with him, mating! david couldn't believe what he saw.

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Before he could return the favor kimby butted in, she managed to convince rufus to turn tail to tail with jean. having seen a wonderful success ratio so far he complied. jean wiggled her tail a bit, it was nice having rufus's furry rump to hers.

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Pongo crosses his leg on penny, both are tail to tail. penny feels her father's penis moving in her. "well, now you're impregnating our pup" perdita tells while she nuzzles pongo, he returned the gesture.

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Legal Studies - Caput Lupinum

There was silence then for a minute or two as the wolves stood tail to tail.

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Cynjinn Island

Carefully he lowered his front legs to one side, lifted a hind leg up and around in some strange sort of way, and was standing wetly tail to tail with her, still securely locked in place. how did he do that, anyway?

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An Infestation in the Herd 19

They had passed that between them, tail to tail, well before the party had started. the way to take celestia was entirely based on her needs. fuck her. 'clean' her with enemas of pre-harvested corrupt cum. fuck her again.

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(Original) A stranger appears?

Backing up so they were tail to tail, the remaining canines encircled them with the condor grinning above. already a good feast was there just for him with two canines down. and things were just going to get better by the looks of things.

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Pongo is panting with satisfaction just like penny; she feels that her father tries to cross his leg to be in position of tail to tail. she is surprised to feel a tug; penny turns her head and sees that pongo this lying on the floor.

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Extracurricular Activities

His navy blue hide was burly and well built with frills along his hornbase to mid neck that faded into a sharp rose red with a similar fin from mid tail to tail tip.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 43 - Enthralled

Gatomon stepped back, so she was tail to tail with gomamon. "seriously... gomamon fly us out of here!" "huh?" gomamon shook his head... his own cock was snaking out of his pouch a bit.

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