Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 04

The caution that was being used in regards to her meant that this test subject was violent and capable of hurting someone if they were to confront her alone.

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Rhei Of Paradise (CYOA)

Rhe provided their homes and food, but it was the test subjects themselves that turned the island valley into a perfect paradise.

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In the World After: Chapter 1

Therefore, in secret, the governments allowed the use of a few life-sentence criminals as test subjects.

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Beefed Up

There is 12 xv subjects now- over a hundred test subjects total. rhe stopped looking for new test subjects and downsized greatly- that is when dr.

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Experiment 261 Chapter 3

Satisfied that everything was right, and that the test subject would not die, he closed the door. the doberman was now for the first time concerned for the wolf's safety.

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Leyline - Prologue

"thirty-four test subjects?" the vius'karr gave a solemn nod. "sadly, yes." "thirty-four..." mr. draeden sat in disbelief. the other test subjects had all perished sadly, but none like this.

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Land Of Milk And Honey

Maple augustine was formerly a researcher for rhe and volunteered herself to be a test subject. maple had come over to greet the new test subject.

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Big Beef

I am test subject 35 i will have you know! you can call me opal. the first test subject with elasticity genes, allowing my body to expand or contract as needed!"

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"it seems our test subject has...gone missing, boss. we'll have to postpone the test until --" "nonsense!" seda interjected. "i'll be the test subject. after 17 trials, we must have worked most of the kinks out!"

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What dreams consist of

"easy, you're my test subject." "test subject?! i don't want to be a test subject!" "quiet," said mr. barligson as he strapped the boy's wrists and ankles to the table. the little male squirmed and thrashed to no avail. he cried and screamed, "help!

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Bioshock - Interrupted Revelations

After a few weeks of searching we have managed to find four more test subjects for our teleportation project. they spat in our faces at first.

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Case Study 1201

He is the test subject for the gibm's experiments.) this written for whoever that finds these pages of printer paper.

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