A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 12-To The Rescue

"that place is a out and out war zone",hudson said. "i know",holland said,"the local militia has been waging genocide in the area for months,they'll be everywhere." "so how do we get to wyatt?", i asked.

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Redd n\' Jess

A stray thought crossed the sexual war zone of their intertwining minds of the racket they must be making, but it was instantly shot down by a thousand particles of pure passion. "you really \*hngf\* like \*ugh\* abuse don't \*rff\* you."

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 9

No one flew where we were going because it was in the middle of a war zone. we had a few rifles to defend ourselves but lao said we shouldn't have any problems, he knew where the safe routes were. the drive took two days.

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From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 5: Bodyguard

Outside was a war zone with bellington crashing through human barriers, shooting heavy streams of fire out of her mouth to get the the shooters out of the way and even tearing the support beams from lookout tower with her bare hands.

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Surgimorphs Chapter Three: Circles Part One

From behind me jessie cautiously opened the door almost as if he expected to find a war zone. while he was retired military and using the benefits from his service to go to college i don't think he needed to worry about me harming anyone.

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Happy Birthday

It feels like living in a war zone, with thunder crashing in explosive bursts, startling me every time even though i know it's coming.

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Chronicles of the Justicar ActII/part 1

City of kazak, contested war zone] zhakaev darkrune coughed inside of his helmet; one of the rebel's beside him offered him a human made candy to relive his throat, he denied and shook his head.

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A Break From War

Being in a war zone, so was used to seeing soldiers both male and female covered in sweat. however, none of them had a body as chiseled as this draconian. his scales glimmered in the room.

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I live over by verdant, and all of downtown is just a war zone right now," the other man grunted and re latched the door, before leading cole into the house connected to the garage.

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Shade Chronicles: The Time Complex: Section 3: Aww HELL no!

As much silence you can get in a troop transport in a war zone. after a record of five minutes, we reached the mile-away mark. and the,"let's just send a rain of artillery to fuck up some unlucky bastard's day" mark.

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Finding a New Self, chapter 23: Accusation

If we don't want to sail through a war zone, we might want to leave tonight." farsel winced. "tomorrow morning? we need a bit more information." "can't you just telegraph it under way?" "it changes who we want to bring."

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Chapter 32: Evolutions! Achieve Victorious!

Al led on followed by five of them to the war zone. the team ran through the jungle swamp, avoiding any obstacles on the way. shadowwolf ran closer to al still curious about the evolution. "so how come you can evolve so easily?"

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