Quick One Shot: Malgor's Apotheosis

"Fuuuuuuck." Malgor shouted as he was thrown from the spire into the Cube of Fora. Malgor armor dissolved off of him as he landed in the void, his body splashed against the sweet smell gelatin like substance that made up the floor. Malgor sat up and...

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Grunt Work 2: Nalani

Aliah held her trainers head in her claws, he wrapped his hand around her and looked at her with a loving expression that edged on fanatical. Aliah smiled as her noxious fumes were strongest in an enclosed space such as the cavern they found...

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Quick One Shot: The Drunken Unicorn

Vincent stumbled through the forest, his body was already fighting against him. His tanned skin was marred by bright purple veins as the witches curse slowly ate away at his body. The wizards in Albion told him he had only few agonizing months left to...

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Worshiping the wolf

Michael felt the maids scrub his skin to a healthy pink glow, they worked with strong hands that had cleaned many people like himself. The smell of sweet oils on him was meant to purify his soul but it only made him think of sweet honey dipped on a...

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Commission: The Breeding of Princess Sophocles

Sophocles, Soffy to his friends, hit the floor of the warehouse, his pokemon had already been defeated and the Rainbow Rockets had taken over his Festival Plaza. The chubby Trial Captain immediately looked for anything that he could use to get himself...

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