Best Wish Ever

Best Wish Ever. By: Kiki Kalani For: Kristen Moxo looked over the strange dusty lantern. Some foreign trinket he had picked off of the last batch of unlucky archeologists, he guessed. It had a long spout and handle and a small body in the...

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 05

The titles baffled me; american history, 1900 to 1999, the rise and fall of the roman empire, or the world of the aztec. i'd flipped through the front of a few books and it all looked like historical stuff.

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death adventures

I walk up to a vendor and ask about any aztec ruins, having death ask through me. the vendor points to a big temple. death thanks him and i start walking that way. "how do you know so much spanish?"

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This is Me Challange...

I believe in no god yet i believe in all gods can i be not as the romans or the greeks or the mayans or the aztecs?

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May I ask the next dance?

The commander in his smoking looked hopelessly overdressed, and looked as much out of place as an aztec priest would look in a modern medical facility.

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TLK/LG: a sad reunion, chapter 1: one wish

Their stomachs ripped wide open and their intestines splayed on the ground, like human sacrifices on an aztec altar. blood was spilt all over the rocks, the dry ground and in the river.

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The Jackal's Fortune

But as i say, not in an aztec style. and not of an aztec god. it's a statuette of a god that is more properly in the pantheon i typically study, that of ancient sumeria, which is why i came to investigate and retrieve it." there it is, frank thought.

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Nightwalkers Part 1

"aztec, i'm sure glad to see you", kitty wraps her arms around his furry torso. the big cat just nuzzles her and growls happily. kitty cannot help but let out a sigh of pleasure herself.

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Transformation Stream Story 8: The Family Acolyte

"we welcome the sacrifice of the aztec people. it is with great responsibility that they maintain their agreement. our power goes to them, and peace with it." despite her posture, nenetl couldn't help but feel a little relief.

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Elfen Plague: Chapter 2

Adin awoke only to find himself inside a wooden barn, laying nude under a blanket, on a bed of hay. The inside of the barn was dim and comfortable, stray streaks of moonlight leak inside between the wooden roof's leaves and board surface. It was a...

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Nineteen.

Bracelets of aztec design made of a reddish gold like clay and metal clung around his wrists and ankles, colorful feathers sticking out of them. a similar one was on the end of his long flowing tail.

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Twisting the Helix

His costume didn't help with that, either, making him look like something that had leaped out of the aztec era...or the greek one, perhaps. there was some crossover between the two.

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