Bedded (and Dicked) Down

He knew that the champion often took one of the splitters with him to bed for the night, knew that they were used hard while they were in his company, but that was as far as his knowledge went.

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A Doggy Before Bed

Before going to bed, she took a look at the cage opposite hers and met the gaze of caesar, the boxer who'd been her 'lover' for the past week.

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Infested in My Bed

#6 of the infestation infested in my bed by von krieger fortune sighed softly as billy slide into bed, the kobold's familiar scent making him feel happy and content even in his sleep.

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Any Bed in a Storm

'fluffums', whose real name was aaron, made a rush for the bed, somehow managing to effect a waddle as a toddler might have.

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Monsters Under the Bed

He gives up completely, letting out more whimpering as he slumps down into his bed, still not getting any slack from the monster under his bed.

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Sly bed fellows

Todd walked along the side walk on his way home after the big football game. Being the star quarter back gave him plenty of skirts chasing him everywhere on campus. Todd smiles to himself thinking about how much the girls wanted him, he had looks...

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A Jock In A Strange Bed

"just curious about the straight guy i just bagged in my bed." malachi gave the bed a quick look and snuffled. "don't see any notches marked on the head," he chuckled.

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Like a bed of roses-

\*\*\*A/N: this is very depressing. please don't hate too much. this is how i used to write a couple years ago.Please enjoy none the less.\*\*\* With the warm summer air falling against her fur, Amber sits in the large grassy patch of earth deep...

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Like a bed of roses

\*\*\*A/N: there's going to a slight formatting issue for a bit. I'll fix it when I can. Please enjoy none the less.\*\*\* With the warm summer air falling against her fur, Amber sits in the large grassy patch of earth deep within the forest. Her claws...

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Bed knobs and Vilous

._ bed knobs and vilous "hello my name is travis, and this is my new shitty room!"

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