Sessility Gruffloafer Scoffrouse, the Conjurer Cat

While labour can be helpful, i maintain, for me, it's not, and if you try to make me budge, i'll kill you on the spot. "that's it. that's all the poem you're getting out of me!"

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Drop that fake accent... you're Mymic now.

Surprisingly, the door budged, finally starting to slide open towards him. as soon as peter had enough room, he grabbed onto the other side of the door itself and pulled.

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The door did not budge when he turned the nob though, proving that the only time he would lock his door is when he would actually forget his keys. he shouted out a curse, giving the door a quick pound with his fist and turning to the stairs.

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Transformed Struggles- 1

His body slams hard against the large double door, but the door does not budge the slightest bit, jarring his right shoulder in the process. panic starts to settle in as he tries again to get the door to budge, the pain in his waist almost unbearable.

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Swelling With Pride

Before long, your head is pressing into the ceiling, but it does not budge to allow you more growth, keeping you pressed down as the rest of your body grows outward.

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"Night In The Pub" - Story by Kaz

Unfortunately the green scaled arm wasn't budging, the rippling muscles on the jacked arm were easily large enough to crush his windpipe.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Four

The door didn't budge, and there was no more gunfire. that made the veteran ermine nervous. "remember, don't shoot unless you're certain they're infected," captain dewitt said. "let's hurry."

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The zipties bit cruelly into her arms, just struggling nearly making her whine again in pain, and though she tried her best she couldn't budge, not her arms or her legs or even her tail, and couldn't do a thing to make them stop ogling her, let alone

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Blueberry Rain

He tried to rise back up, but couldn't budge himself, feeling juice sloshing around inside of him violently, causing his growing rolls and flab to bulge out in random directions.

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Furries University Chapter 8: Follow the white rabbit.

"hi you left-" spoke kitsune but was cut off as the bunny dashed off deeper into the hall budging through furs and knocking one down "shy aren't ya'". kitsune budged as well leaving his group behind every one but ozwot somewhat confused.

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Some Dildos Aren't Toys

When he tried to pick his feet up, they were firmly stuck and did not budge even when he pulled his hardest. his chest heaved as he breathed harder and harder from panic and exertion.

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Extinction Agenda, Part 3

Charlie didn't budge. "i heard. and i want to help." "you have no idea what- wait, you what?" christy blinked. she hadn't expected that statement. "queen told me all about it.

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