Striking Out: Part Two

Seeing these two spirits cantering about him, playing and loving the world about them, he knew that freedom was something that he had never known.

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The Long Weekend - Sunday, Morning

He charged fearlessly towards the murky shadows and twisting clouds of the front gate, which separated as he cantered, then galloped, then almost flew into the space between demonic realms.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 3

Mira and her father cantered swiftly back into the forest, toward the herd of deer and the promise of a fine and savory veronmay feast.

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Kalderan Forest Part 6

He cantered wearily into the small town where many furs of numerous species mingled, ate, slept, and more importantly, screwed each other senseless. his hooves felt like they had weights upon them, and he stomped down with each step as if they were.

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The Problem with Pipes - June Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)

As the sound faded, a roar could be heard from upstairs that caused roy to canter slightly backwards. "ahh... c-come to think of it, i might not wanna be here when dad shows up..." he uttered wendy grinned. "then you better run, big brother."

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With The Wind - Horse TF Story

He mustered more effort and built his trot up faster and faster into a rapid canter, and heard bramble laughing with joy above him.

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Daughter's appreciation

They know where we are now." she stated, cantering ahead. tara sighed and rolled her eyes at her mother's over protectiveness, and nuzzled her flank "mom, we are how far away from the cave?

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Chapter 2 - Pen#28

Syrena's brother myron slinked slowly out of the shadows and cantered in to the circle of light given off by the lamp, the light gleaned off of his bulky body adding a sinister look to his already wicked blend of yellow, orange and red scales.

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Slave Girl 01

Her hand loosened on the carrot and it fell, but he said nothing, just clicked his tongue at his horse, moving to a rhythmic canter. at some point in this half-dream state everything went black, and she slept for the first time in days.

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Black Ice

Marnie surged onwards without encouragement, flicking up her hooves in a ground covering canter as i snatched a lock of her main, heart thumping.

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Being a Good Horse

As gracefully as he could with a fox disappearing between his cheeks, morgan turned about to bite through the strap, before cantering inside.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 14 - O That These Hands Could So Redeem My Son!

Scootaloo asked, trying to keep up with rainbow's brisk canter. "you'll see, you'll see." rainbow answered mysteriously and they turned onto main street, with rainbow pausing to look around for a moment.

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