Science Amongst the Stars

- if i'm lucky, probably a couple of coconut samples. but since they only look like coconuts, it would be a mild disappointment if they turn to be inedible at best.

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Kovu and Mipa: It's a Trap!

All the time, the coconuts continued to bang and clatter together at last he flopped backwards, puffing from his exertion.

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First Steps

At least one of the sticks was sturdy enough to get the meat out of the coconuts. made for a pretty lame dinner if you ask me. oh well, i'll hopefully figure this shit out soon. i almost got it, and i'm not about to back down from a challenge!

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Nice to Seat You Ch 1.3

"may i have a tall coconut milk vanilla latte, two squirts of strawberry flavor, please." "sure thing, miss tulip!" the skunk girl snapped into a bubbly smile, state herself, glad to have an order.

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Bunny Love: Chapter 11

Inside were coconut shells, cut to leave only about a 1-inch opening in the top. inside these coconuts was a liquid. serena: ooooh, this'll be fun! blake: what is that? serena: gabe makes his own wine.

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Reflections 2

Luna stared with wide eyes, suddenly finding her view taken up almost entirely by purple unicorn crotch, the faint trickle of coconut rum stinging in her nostrils as she inhaled a little.

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Another Day at the Baker's Dozen

coconut macaroons? oh! oh! i know!" she popped back up with a plate of coconut macaroons, the round little cookies rolled into tiny balls and dipped in chocolate. "these should be perfect! here! they're fifty cents apiece." "really?

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 8

The one i was laughing about was when kavuush said, "this tastes like what would happen if you boiled scrawny rats in coconut milk... oh wait, this is a scrawny rat boiled in coconut milk!" i replied, "at least we have protein."

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A New Presence

Just then, hector approached one of the coconut trees and used his brute strength to pull the tree right out of the ground as though wasn't held in by anything.

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Give a Mouse a Cookie

"that's our 'oat-cran-coconut,' with oatmeal, whole dried cranberries, and finely shredded angel coconut." "coconut?" the red panda echoed, taking another bite. "most people don't like coconut because of the texture.

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Ask a Glass of Water

The massage was wonderful, a swift but intense flattening by the heels of dave's hands with a liberal application of coconut and lime scented massage oil that within ten minutes had serling lying not as a doughy ball, but as a pool of quivering, deliciously

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